For a natural number $ n, $ a string $ s $ of $ n $ binary digits and a natural number $ k\le n, $ define an $ n,s,k$ -block as a string of $ k $ consecutive elements from $ s. $ We say that two $ n,s,k\text{-blocks} , $ namely, $ a_1a_2\ldots a_k,b_1b_2\ldots b_k, $ are incompatible if there exists an $ i\in\{1,2,\ldots ,k\} $ such that $ a_i\neq b_i. $ Also, for two natural numbers $ r\le n, l, $ we say that $ s $ is $ r,l $ -typed if there are, at most, $ l $ pairwise incompatible $ n,s,r\text{-blocks} . $ Let be a $ 3,7\text{-typed} $ string $ t $ consisting of $ 10000 $ binary digits. Determine the maximum number $ M $ that satisfies the condition that $ t $ is $ 10,M\text{-typed} . $ Cătălin Gherghe