
Source: 6th Iranian Geometry Olympiad (Advanced) P4

Tags: IGO, Iran, geometry

Given an acute non-isosceles triangle $ABC$ with circumcircle $\Gamma$. $M$ is the midpoint of segment $BC$ and $N$ is the midpoint of arc $BC$ of $\Gamma$ (the one that doesn't contain $A$). $X$ and $Y$ are points on $\Gamma$ such that $BX\parallel CY\parallel AM$. Assume there exists point $Z$ on segment $BC$ such that circumcircle of triangle $XYZ$ is tangent to $BC$. Let $\omega$ be the circumcircle of triangle $ZMN$. Line $AM$ meets $\omega$ for the second time at $P$. Let $K$ be a point on $\omega$ such that $KN\parallel AM$, $\omega_b$ be a circle that passes through $B$, $X$ and tangents to $BC$ and $\omega_c$ be a circle that passes through $C$, $Y$ and tangents to $BC$. Prove that circle with center $K$ and radius $KP$ is tangent to 3 circles $\omega_b$, $\omega_c$ and $\Gamma$. Proposed by Tran Quan - Vietnam