
Source: VIII International Festival of Young Mathematicians Sozopol 2017, Theme for 10-12 grade

Tags: geometry

$BB_1$ and $CC_1$ are altitudes in $\Delta ABC$. Let $B_1 C_1$ intersect the circumscribed circle of $\Delta ABC$ in points $E$ and $F$. Let $k$ be a circle passing through $E$ and $F$ in such way that the center of $k$ lies on the arc $\widehat{BAC}$. We denote with $M$ the middle point of $BC$. $X$ and $Y$ are the points on $k$ for which $MX$ and $MY$ are tangent to $k$. Let $EX\cap FY=S_1,EY\cap FX=S_2,BX\cap CY=U,$ and $BY\cap CX=V$. Prove that $S_1 S_2$ and $UV$ intersect in the orthocenter of $\Delta ABC$.