
Source: CSMO 2019 Grade 11 Problem 2

Tags: geometry

$ABCD$ is a parallelogram with $\angle BAD \neq 90$. Circle centered at $A$ radius $BA$ denoted as $\omega _1$ intersects the extended side of $AB,CB$ at points $E,F$ respectively. Suppose the circle centered at $D$ with radius $DA$, denoted as $\omega _2$, intersects $AD,CD$ at points $M,N$ respectively. Suppose $EN,FM$ intersects at $G$, $AG$ intersects $ME$ at point $T$. $MF$ intersects $\omega _1$ at $Q \neq F$, and $EN$ intersects $\omega _2$ at $P \neq N$. Prove that $G,P,T,Q$ concyclic.