Let $n \ge 3$ be a fixed integer. A game is played by $n$ players sitting in a circle. Initially, each player draws three cards from a shuffled deck of $3n$ cards numbered $1, 2, \dots, 3n$. Then, on each turn, every player simultaneously passes the smallest-numbered card in their hand one place clockwise and the largest-numbered card in their hand one place counterclockwise, while keeping the middle card. Let $T_r$ denote the configuration after $r$ turns (so $T_0$ is the initial configuration). Show that $T_r$ is eventually periodic with period $n$, and find the smallest integer $m$ for which, regardless of the initial configuration, $T_m=T_{m+n}$. Proposed by Carl Schildkraut and Colin Tang
Source: ELMO 2019 Problem 3, 2019 ELMO Shortlist C4
Tags: Elmo, combinatorics, Combinatorial games
19.06.2019 23:52
20.06.2019 00:17
20.06.2019 05:46
Might be similar to above but at least better interpretation.
20.06.2019 10:52
Hmm my solution looks significantly different from the solutions above; I wonder if it's completely wrong ?
22.06.2019 22:20
I initially only solved part 1, but with about an hour left I got an insight to part 2, so the solutions to the 2 parts are not that related.
24.06.2019 04:44
solution i submitted which is "missing the crucial claim and proof that at time $k$, each block will be $k$-tailed" but otherwise fine
08.07.2019 17:48
This is the solution I submitted during exam.Not sure if it is correct.
13.01.2021 09:55
20.01.2021 13:41
Very simple solution with basic ideas Let's define sets $A, B, C$ in this way $A=\{3n, 3n-1,\ldots ,2n+1\},$ $B=\{2n, 2n-1,\ldots ,n+1\},$ $C=\{n, n-1,\ldots ,1\}.$ Note that each player has numbers from different sets if and only if $n$ becomes a period. Now let us prove that after $n-1$ moves, exactly this state always occurs (therefore $m=n-1$). We say that a player has a number $z$ or that he is equal to a number $z$ if he has exactly $z$ numbers from the set $A.$ First part: An example is the following: $2, 0, 1, 1, 1, ..., 1$ respectively, the numbers from the set $A$ for the players. Second part: Now we will prove that $n-1$ moves are always enough to eliminate all $0$ (therefore all equals $1$). Let $x(s, t)$ be the number of $A$ for the $s$-th player during the $t$-th move. Let the number be bad if it is 2 or 3, and good otherwise. We have the following lemmas: (prove it yourself, they are not that difficult) Lemma 1: $x(1, t) + x(2, t) + … + x(n, t) = n.$ (trivial) Lemma 2: If $x(s, t) = 0$, then $x(s-1, t-1)=0$ and $x(s, t-1)=$ good. Lemma 3: If $x(s, t)=$ bad, then $x(s, t-1)=$ bad OR $x(s+1, t-1) = 3$ (or just bad). WLOG assume that $x(n, n-1) = 0$ and $x(k, n-1) =$ bad. By Lemma 2 $x(n, n-1) = 0$ $x(n-1, n-2) = 0$ and $x(n, n-2)=$ good $\ldots$ $x(2, 1) = 0$ and $x(3, 1) =$ good $x(1, 0) = 0$ and $x(2, 0) =$ good By Lemma 3 $x(k, n-1) =$ bad $x(k, n-2)$ or $x(k+1, n-2) =$ bad $x(k, n-3)$ or $x(k+1, n-3)$ or $x(k+2, n-3) =$ bad $\ldots$ $x(k, 0)$ or $x(k+1, 0)$ or $\ldots$ or $x(k+n-1, 0)$ = bad Last part: Let $F(x(s,t))=t-s$ Consider the bad numbers initially $F(x(k,n-1))\ge0$ and finally $F(x(k,0))<0,$ and since it decreases in each step by 1 or 2, there exist a bad number $x(a,b)$ with $b-a = -1 \text{ or } -2,$ which is a contradiction by Lemma 2. We are done!
07.02.2022 08:42
Define a Maxi to be a card $\geq 2n+1$. We claim that after $n+1$ moves, each player has a maxi. Indeed, label the players$P_1,P_2,...,P_n$ counterclockwise. Notice that rotating the picture so that $P_{i+1}$ is now $P_i$ is isomorphic to the original setup, thus we will consider behavior under this equivalent form. i) If $P_i$ has one maxi, they keep it. ii) If $P_i$ has two maxis, they give one to $P_{i-1}$ and keep the other one one iii) if $P_i$ has three maxis, they give one to $P_{i-1}$ and $P_{i-2}$ and keep the last one. Now, aftoc that after $n-1$ turns, some player does not have a maxi. This implies some player has two cards, let one of those cards be $C$. Notice that a player can never lose their card. Also, notice that if $C$ went around the whole circle to end up on or pass its original player. Thus, if the player that has no maxis is $P_k$ then it must be the case that $C$ skipped over $P_k$. But the only way that could happen is if there were three cards on $P_{k-1}$ including $C$. But, this would imply $P_k$ gains a card since both $P_{k}$ and $P_{k+1}$ would gain a card. Contradiction. Defining minis similarly gives a similar result. Thus, after $n-1$ moves, every player has a maxi and a mini. The behavior here becomes evident. Each player passes their maxi to their left and mini to their right. This creates a cycle of period $n$. To show $n$ is minimal, consider the following construction. $P_1,...,P_{n-2}$ has one maxi, $P_{n-1}$ has no maxis, and $P_n$ has two maxis.
07.09.2023 15:39
extremely beautiful The answer is $m=n-1$. It will suffice to show the following claim. Claim: In $T_{n-1}$, the cards labeled $1,\ldots,n$ are all held by different players. (Equivalently, in $T_{n-1}$, the cards $2n+1,\ldots,3n$ are all held by different players.) Proof: We make the following modifications to the problem. Delete all the cards greater than $n$. Instead of the smallest-numbered card being passed clockwise, the smallest card is retained by each player. The second-smallest card is sent one clockwise, and the third-smallest is sent two clockwise. Instead of labeled cards, we use unlabeled balls that wear numbered hats. The hats represent the cards in the original sense, but we will track the movement of the balls. Finally, we modify the events of each turn in a way that clearly produces the same configuration as the original procedure. On each turn: If some player holds three balls, and the player directly clockwise from them holds no balls, then the first player passes their two highest balls one spot clockwise. Then every player sends the balls clockwise according to the rules mentioned above. Then, if a player had a ball at the very beginning of the turn that has not moved this turn, the hats are rearranged within each player's collection such that this ball is given the lowest numbered hat available. In particular, this ball does not move the next turn either. It is clear that once a ball stops moving, it cannot start moving again; in particular, once a player obtains a ball, they can never have no balls (this is true even without these modifications). On the other hand, if after exactly $i$ turns some ball has not stopped moving, it has clearly visited a contiguous subset of at least $i+1$ players. Therefore, if after $n-1$ turns there exists some ball $b$ which shares a player with a smaller-label ball (hence $b$ has not stopped moving), then $b$ has visited every player. On the other hand, if this happens then some player must not hold any balls: contradiction, since $b$ has visited them. $\blacksquare$ This claim implies that in $T_{n-1}$, each player holds a "small" card whose label is in $\{1,\ldots,n\}$, a "big" card whose label is in $\{2n+1,\ldots,3n\}$, and a "medium" card whose label is in $\{n+1,\ldots,2n\}$. Then in each successive turn, the small cards collectively rotate one player clockwise, the big cards collectively rotate one player counterclockwise, and the medium cards stay put, hence it is still true that each player still has one card of each type. Hence after $n$ turns, the small and large cards have rotated $n$ players clockwise and counterclockwise respectively, which means they are held by the same players as they were $n$ turns ago. Finally, we provide a counterexample that shows $m \geq n-1$. It suffices to exhibit some arrangement of the cards from $1$ to $n$ such that the cards are not all held by different players in $T_{n-2}$. If the players are labeled $1$ through $n$ in clockwise order, then giving player $1$ the cards labeled $1$ and $n$ and giving player $i$ the card labeled $i$ for $2 \leq i \leq n-1$ will work, since in $T_{n-2}$ player $n-2$ will hold cards $n-2$ and $n-1$. We are done. $\blacksquare$ Remark: This solution is mainly motivated by the fact that if each player held at most one "small" card, the conclusion would be easy, but in the actual problem there is the issue of cards being able to "jump" over holes—players without cards. However, it turns out that this is a non-issue (and intuitively this should be true since holes get "filled"), and the modifications we do to the problem make this extremely clear. The idea of introducing balls and hats is similar to the "ants on a stick" problem and this IMO problem IMO 2000/3 on fleas .
29.09.2023 05:23
Groupsolved with leo.euler, very nice problem and riddle. We use the following trick: if the cards at a position are $a < b < c$, then fix $a$, move $b$ one to the right, and move $c$ two the right. Label the hands $C_1, C_2, \dots, C_{n}$ cyclically and going clockwise. Claim: This doesn't hold for after the first $n - 2$ exchanges. Proof. Put $1, n$ in $C_1$, and $i$ in $C_i$ for $2 \le i \le n-1$. Then after $n-2$ moves, $n$ moves to $C_{n-1}$ as $1$ through $n - 1$ do not move. However, after another move, it follows that $n$ has moved to $C_n$ at which point it stops moving. $\blacksquare$ Claim: The cards $\{1, 2, \dots, n\}$ are all in different hands after $n-1$ moves. Proof. Color all these cards the same color and don't distinguish between them, as their internal order doesn't affect anything else. Ignore the remaining cards. Then whenever we have $2$ or $3$ cards in one hand, we spread them all out to the right. Whenever more than $1$ card are in the same hand, arbitrary fix one of them to never move under the operation. We can do this by relabelling to the smallest card in this hand as necessary. Call a hole a hand with none of these cards in it. Whenever a card ends up a hole, it then fills in the hole. Note that this generalizes to always filling a hole whenever a card would jump over it. Suppose there are $k$ holes initially and consider any one card. FTSOC suppose that it never falls in a hole, which means that it has made a full loop around. However, the other cards in a hole can fill at most $k - 1$ of the holes, forcing the card to fall in the remaining hole, contradiction. $\blacksquare$ Then, repeating a similar arguement, $\{2n + 1, \dots, 3n\}$ are also disjoint after the process. Thus, after $n - 1$ moves, each hand consists of one card from each set in the partition $A_1 = \{1, 2, \dots, n\}, A_2 = \{n+1, \dots, 2n\}, A_3 = \{2n+1, \dots, 3n\}$. Considering this operation, it then follows that cards in $A_1$ always move to the left, the cards in $A_2$ stay still, and the cards in $A_3$ move to the right. Thus, after another $n$ moves, all cards end up in the same starting position.
18.05.2024 22:15
Key claim: After $n-1$ turns, the cards $1$ through $n$ are held by distinct players. Proof: Imagine the cards $1$ through $n$ as indistinguishable dots distributed among $n$ positions around a circle. Each position starts with at most $3$ dots. On each turn, a position's first dot (if it exists) is sent clockwise, its second dot (if it exists) is fixed, and its third dot (if it exists) is sent counterclockwise. Now, compose each turn with a counterclockwise rotation by one position so that a position's first dot (if it exists) is fixed, its second dot (if it exists) is sent counterclockwise, and its third dot (if it exists) is sent two positions counterclockwise. Note that once a position has at least one dot, it is never empty. Now, consider any initially empty position $P$. We can imagine that each move, excess dots move $1$ or $2$ positions counterclockwise, and stop if they land in empty positions. Hence after $n-1$ moves, all initial excess dots must have landed in empty positions or crossed $P$. If $P$ is still empty, then since there are $n$ dots and only $n-1$ other positions, some dot must have crossed $P$. But $P$ must have been filled during the crossing, a contradiction as desired. By the claim (and symmetry), after $n$ moves cards $1$ through $n$ are held by distinct players and cards $2n+1$ through $3n$ are held by distinct players. It clearly follows that cards $n+1$ through $2n$ are also held by distinct players. But then each turn simply rotates the circle of small cards clockwise, rotates the circle of large cards counterclockwise, and fixes the circle of medium cards. Hence, the configuration is periodic with period $n$ starting from $T_{n-1}$, as desired. To see that $n-1$ is optimal, place cards $1$ through $n-1$ around the circle in counterclockwise order, and give card $n$ to the player holding card $1$. After $n-2$ turns, cards $n$ and $n-1$ are held by the same player, but they are held by different players when the configuration becomes periodic
19.05.2024 04:04
Claim. After $n-1$ turns, everyone will have a card in $[n]:=\{1,\ldots,n\}$. Proof. Consider only $[n]$. Note that the numbers on the cards do not matter anymore. If a player has exactly $1$ card in $[n]$, he passes it clockwise. If he has exactly $2$ cards in $[n]$, he passes one clockwise and keeps the other. If he has exactly $3$ cards in $[n]$, he passes one clockwise, one counterclockwise, and keeps one. This is equivalent to every player keeping one card and passing his remaining cards counterclockwise by $1$ and $2$ if needed, since rotations do not change anything. If there is someone who does not have a card, a turn can be made. Suppose for the sake of contradiction someone has $\geq2$ cards after $n-1$ turns. Then one of those cards traveled $\geq n-1$ counterclockwise during the $n-1$ turns, so it traveled the whole circle. Thus everyone has a card, a contradiction. $n-1$ turns are necessary since we can give everyone but player $A$ a card, and give the player immediately counterclockwise to $A$ another card. $\square$ Note that after everyone has a card in $[n]$, they will always pass these cards clockwise so this status is kept. Similarly, after $n-1$ turns, everyone will have a card in $\{2n+1,\ldots,3n\}$. They will pass these cards counterclockwise. It follows that the remaining cards $n+1,\ldots,2n$ will also be distributed to distinct players. These cards are always kept. Thus the game is periodic with period $n$ and $\boxed{m=n-1}$. $\square$