
Source: JBMO Shortlist 2014 NT6

Tags: number theory, consecutive, positive integers, squarefree, decimal representation

Vukasin, Dimitrije, Dusan, Stefan and Filip asked their teacher to guess three consecutive positive integers, after these true statements: Vukasin: " The sum of the digits of one number is prime number. The sum of the digits of another of the other two is, an even perfect number.($n$ is perfect if $\sigma\left(n\right)=2n$). The sum of the digits of the third number equals to the number of it's positive divisors". Dimitrije:"Everyone of those three numbers has at most two digits equal to $1$ in their decimal representation". Dusan:"If we add $11$ to exactly one of them, then we have a perfect square of an integer" Stefan:"Everyone of them has exactly one prime divisor less than $10$". Filip:"The three numbers are square free". Professor found the right answer. Which numbers did he mention?