
Source: VMO 2019

Tags: Integer sequence, perfect number, sum of divisors

Let $({{x}_{n}})$ be an integer sequence such that $0\le {{x}_{0}}<{{x}_{1}}\le 100$ and $${{x}_{n+2}}=7{{x}_{n+1}}-{{x}_{n}}+280,\text{ }\forall n\ge 0.$$a) Prove that if ${{x}_{0}}=2,{{x}_{1}}=3$ then for each positive integer $n,$ the sum of divisors of the following number is divisible by $24$ $${{x}_{n}}{{x}_{n+1}}+{{x}_{n+1}}{{x}_{n+2}}+{{x}_{n+2}}{{x}_{n+3}}+2018.$$b) Find all pairs of numbers $({{x}_{0}},{{x}_{1}})$ such that ${{x}_{n}}{{x}_{n+1}}+2019$ is a perfect square for infinitely many nonnegative integer numbers $n.$