We will show by induction that if $n=\frac{a(a+1)}2+k$ with $k\leq a$, then the final configuration will have piles of sizes $a$, $a-1$, $a-2$, $\ldots$, $k+1$, $k$, $k$, $k-1$, $\ldots$, $2$, $1$, where the pile of size $a$ is at the location of the original pile.
Base Case: $n=1$
Then, no moves are possible, so the final configuration will have one pile of size $1$.
Inductive Step:
Suppose that a total of $m=\frac{x(x+1)}2+y$ moves are done on the position of the original column. Then, we must have $m<n$ since it is impossible to remove a pebble from a pile with $1$ pebble. Any final configuration must be able to be reached from a pile with $n-m$ pebbles and a pile with $m$ pebbles. Therefore, by the inductive hypothesis, a final configuration must have pile sizes of the form $n-m$, $x$, $x-1$, $x-2$, $\ldots$, $y+1$, $y$, $y$, $y-1$, $\ldots$, $2$, $1$. However, the pile sizes must be nonincreasing and differ by at most $1$. Therefore, we must have $|n-m-x|\leq1$, so either $n-m=x$ or $n-m=x+1$. This means that $n=\frac{(x+1)(x+2)}2+y-1$ or $n=\frac{(x+1)(x+2)}2+y$. In the first case, either $k=y-1$ and $a=x+1$, which means that the piles have sizes $a-1$, $a-1$, $a-2$, $\ldots$, $k+2$, $k+1$, $k+1$, $k$, $\ldots$, $2$, $1$, or $y=0$, $x=a$, and $k=x$, which means that the piles have sizes $a$, $a$, $a-1$, $a-2$, $\ldots$, $2$, $1$. In the second case, we must have $a=x+1$ and $y=k$, so the piles have sizes $a$, $a-1$, $a-2$, $\ldots$, $k+1$, $k$, $k$, $k-1$, $\ldots$, $2$, $1$. Now, suppose that the final configuration has piles of sizes $a-1$, $a-1$, $a-2$, $\ldots$, $k+2$, $k+1$, $k+1$, $k$, $\ldots$, $2$, $1$. Every move, the difference between consecutive piles changes by increasing one difference by $1$, decreasing the next difference by $2$, and increasing the last difference by $1$. The differences in the final configuration are $-a+1$, $0$, $1$, $1$, $\ldots$, $1$, $0$, $1$, $\ldots$, $1$. If this is a possible configuration, then it is possible to add $2$ to a number and subtract $1$ from the adjacent numbers and eventually get the sequence $-n$, $n$, $0$, $0$, $\ldots$, $0$. The number $2$ must be added to the second $0$ at least once. After that, the number to the left becomes $0$, so then eventually the second and the third number must be $0$. However, this means that it is impossible to make the second number equal to $n$. Therefore, the final configuration must have piles of sizes $a$, $a-1$, $a-2$, $\ldots$, $k+1$, $k$, $k$, $k-1$, $\ldots$, $2$, $1$.
Therefore, the final configuration must have piles of sizes $a$, $a-1$, $a-2$, $\ldots$, $k+1$, $k$, $k$, $k-1$, $\ldots$, $2$, $1$. If $n=2001$, then since $2001=\frac{62\cdot63}2+48$, this means that the piles must have sizes $62$, $61$, $60$, $\ldots$, $49$, $48$, $48$, $47$, $\ldots$, $2$, $1$.