
Source: CRMO 2012 region 5 p6 Mumbai

Tags: Subsets, set theory, combinatorics, Combinatorics of set

Let $S$ be the set $\{1, 2, ..., 10\}$. Let $A$ be a subset of $S$. We arrange the elements of $A$ in increasing order, that is, $A = \{a_1, a_2, ...., a_k\}$ with $a_1 < a_2 < ... < a_k$. Define WSUM for this subset as $3(a_1 + a_3 +..) + 2(a_2 + a_4 +...)$ where the first term contains the odd numbered terms and the second the even numbered terms. (For example, if $A = \{2, 5, 7, 8\}$, WSUM is $3(2 + 7) + 2(5 + 8)$.) Find the sum of WSUMs over all the subsets of S. (Assume that WSUM for the null set is $0$.)