
Source: Romanian TST 1978, Day 2, P3

Tags: geometry, trapezoid, Coloring

Let $ A_1,A_2,...,A_{3n} $ be $ 3n\ge 3 $ planar points such that $ A_1A_2A_3 $ is an equilateral triangle and $ A_{3k+1} ,A_{3k+2} ,A_{3k+3} $ are the midpoints of the sides of $ A_{3k-2}A_{3k-1}A_{3k} , $ for all $ 1\le k<n. $ Of two different colors, each one of these points are colored, either with one, either with another. a) Prove that, if $ n\ge 7, $ then some of these points form a monochromatic (only one color) isosceles trapezoid. b) What about $ n=6? $