
Source: Lusophon 2018 CPLP P6

Tags: combinatorics, combinatorial geometry, maximum

In a $3 \times 25$ board, $1 \times 3$ pieces are placed (vertically or horizontally) so that they occupy entirely $3$ boxes on the board and do not have a common point. What is the maximum number of pieces that can be placed, and for that number, how many configurations are there?

HIDE: original formulation Num tabuleiro 3 × 25 s˜ao colocadas pe¸cas 1 × 3 (na vertical ou na horizontal) de modo que ocupem inteiramente 3 casas do tabuleiro e n˜ao se toquem em nenhum ponto. Qual ´e o n´umero m´aximo de pe¸cas que podem ser colocadas, e para esse n´umero, quantas configura¸c˜oes existem? source