Solve in nonnegative integers the equation $5^t + 3^x4^y = z^2$.
Source: JBMO Shortlist 2017 NT4
Tags: number theory, Diophantine equation
25.07.2018 17:39
Hint: If $t=2u+1$, we have LHS is $3k+2$, and this is contradiction with RHS. (Excepting $x=0$) So $t=2u$, thus we have $z-{{5}^{u}}={{3}^{a}}\cdot {{4}^{b}},z+{{5}^{u}}={{3}^{c}}\cdot {{4}^{d}}$, etc.
13.03.2020 13:07
Is this problem solution only {t=0 x=1 y=1 z=2}?
13.03.2020 13:28
please can someone help me ?
24.03.2020 09:15
Sevil1 wrote: Is this problem solution only {t=0 x=1 y=1 z=2}? I think there are no solutions and the solution you mentioned is not satisfying the equation
24.03.2020 13:19
I found 3 solutions $(t,x,y,z)$:
The proof I found is bashy and long but here it is:
31.05.2022 22:19
ematruc wrote: I found 3 solutions $(t,x,y,z)$:
The proof I found is bashy and long but here it is:
Very good solution thanks for posting but i think that u missed a solution: (t,x,y,z)=(2,2,2,13)
06.12.2022 12:33
can anyone tell me what is Mihailescu theorem, what i know is that Mihailescu theorem is the same as catalan conjecture that states: $8=2^3$ and $9=3^2$ are the only consecutive power integer.
06.12.2023 21:48
Denklem 5^t+(3^x)(4^y)=z^2 şeklinde. z^2=0, 1(mod 4) olduğundan dolayı t=2d formundadır. Bu durumda (3^x) (4^y) =(z+5^d) (z-5^d) olur. z+5^d=(3^a) (2^b) denildiğinde z-5^d=[3^(x-a)][2^(2y-b)] olur ve buradan 2.5^d=(3^a)(2^b)-[3^(x-a)][2^(2y-b)] denklemini çözmemiz gerekir. mod 3 te incelersek x=a olması gerekir ve denklem 2.5^d=(3^a)(2^b)-2^(2y-b) halini alır. b=0 ise 2.5^d=3^a-2^2y olur ve mod 2 de incelendiğinde y=0 olur ve denklem 2.5^d=3^a-1 halini alır. İfade sırasıyla 4 ve 5 modlarında incelenirse a nın hem tek hem çift olması gerekir, çelişki. b=1 ise yerine yazıp iki tarafı da ikiye bölersek 5^d=3^a-2^(2y-1) denklemine ulaşırız.