For any finite sets X and Y of positive integers, denote by fX(k) the kth smallest positive integer not in X, and let X∗Y=X∪{fX(y):y∈Y}.Let A be a set of a>0 positive integers and let B be a set of b>0 positive integers. Prove that if A∗B=B∗A, then A∗(A∗⋯(A∗(A∗A))⋯)⏟ A appears b times=B∗(B∗⋯(B∗(B∗B))⋯)⏟ B appears a times. Proposed by Alex Zhai, United States
Source: IMO Shortlist 2017 C7
Tags: IMO Shortlist, combinatorics
10.07.2018 21:13
This problem was proposed by Alex Zhai (USA). The original proposal also asks to prove the converse: if A∗|B|=B∗|A| then A∗B=B∗A.
10.07.2018 22:27
Claim 1: fX∗Y=fX∘fY. Proof: Since both functions are strictly increasing, it is enough to prove that they have equal images, or formally fX∗Y(N)=fX(fY(N)). It is true since: fX∗Y(N)=N∖(X∗Y)=N∖(X∪fX(Y))=(N∖X)∖fX(Y)=fX(N)∖fX(Y)=fX(N∖Y)=fX(fY(N)) Claim 2: The operation ∗ is associative, i.e. for each three finite sets X,Y,Z we have X∗(Y∗Z)=(X∗Y)∗Z. Proof: Note that fX∗(Y∗Z)=fX∘fY∗Z=fX∘(fY∘fZ)f(X∗Y)∗Z=fX∗Y∘fZ=(fX∘fY)∘fZSince composition is associative, we have fX∗(Y∗Z)=f(X∗Y)∗Z. Now X∗(Y∗Z)=N∖fX∗(Y∗Z)(N)=N∖f(X∗Y)∗Z(N)=(X∗Y)∗Zas desired. Now we can write A∗b=A∗(A∗⋯(A∗(A∗A))⋯)⏟ A appears b timesHence the condition rewrites as A∗b=B∗a. Note that A∗b,B∗a have they same cardinality and communte by associativity. Hence it suffices to prove a more general claim: Claim 3: Let X,Y be finite sets such that X∗Y=Y∗X and |X|=|Y|. Then X=Y. Proof: Let n=|X|=|Y|. We'll prove the claim by induction on n. The base case is when X,Y are empty. Now suppose X,Y are nonempty. We'll first prove that X,Y have the same maximal element. Let p=max and q=\max Y. Assume for contradiction and WLOG that p<q. Then q+n=\max(X*Y)=\max(Y*X)\leq\max\{q,p+n\}<q+n, contradiction. Now write p=\max X=\max Y. Let X'=X\setminus\{p\} and Y'=Y\setminus\{p\}. We'll prove that X',Y' commute, and we'll be done by induction hypothesis. Note that for each positive integer m, f_{X'}(m)=\begin{cases}f_X(m)\qquad\text{ if }f_X(m)<p\\f_X(m)-1\qquad\text{ if }f_X(m)>p\end{cases}and similarly for f_Y(m). Let s=\max(X*Y)=\max(Y*X). Also write -1+T=\{-1+t|s\in T\}. Then: X'*Y'=((X*Y)\cap[1,p-1])\cup(-1+((X*Y)\cap[p+1,s-1]))Similar result for Y'*X'. This clearly shows that X'*Y'=Y'*X'.
17.07.2018 04:02
Hey this is not a combo problem Let \mathbb{N} = \mathbb{Z}^+. Note that \mathbb{N} \setminus A = f_A(\mathbb{N}). Furthermore, f_A, f_B are strictly increasing functions from \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N} that are eventually of the form x \mapsto x+c for sufficiently large x. More precisely, there is a constant C such that f_A(x) = x+a and f_B(x) = x+b for all x > C. Note that f_A and f_B are injective. Claim 1. \mathbb{N} \setminus (A*B) = f_A(f_B(\mathbb{N})). Proof. Just write \mathbb{N} \setminus (A*B) = \mathbb{N} \setminus (A \cup f_A(B)) = f_A(\mathbb{N}) \setminus f_A(B) = f_A(f_B(\mathbb{N})).\blacksquare We are given that f_A(f_B(\mathbb{N})) = f_B(f_A(\mathbb{N}))and we wish to show that f_A^b(\mathbb{N}) = f_B^a(\mathbb{N}). For convenience let f = f_A and g = f_B. Lemma 1. f(g(x)) = g(f(x)) for all x; i.e. f and g commute. Proof. We are given that f(g(\mathbb{N})) = g(f(\mathbb{N})). Thus for each x, there exists y which depends on x satisfying f(g(x)) = g(f(y)).For each x, there is exactly one corresponding y (since g \circ f is injective). Furthermore, each y corresponds to some x. Define a function h such that y = h(x), so f(g(x)) = g(f(h(x))).Clearly h is injective. We also already know that h is surjective. Thus h is bijective. Note that f(g(x)) is strictly increasing in x, which means that g(f(h(x))) is strictly increasing in x. Thus h(x) is strictly increasing in x. It follows that h is the identity function; i.e. f(g(x)) = g(f(x)). \blacksquare Lemma 2. Suppose there is x_0 such that f(x_0) = x_0. Then g(x_0) = x_0. Proof. Suppose for the sake of contradiction that g(x_0) > x_0. We have the infinite chain x_0 < g(x_0) < g^2(x_0) < \cdotsBy Lemma 1, f(g^i(x_0)) = g^i(f(x_0)) = g^i(x_0). Thus f has x_0,g(x_0),g^2(x_0),\cdots as fixed points. Since f has infinitely many fixed points, it follows that a=0, contradiction. \blacksquare Corollary. The roles of f and g can be switched in the preceding Lemma, so in fact f(x_0) = x_0 if and only if g(x_0) = x_0. We can define a threshold N such that f(x) = x if and only if x \le N. Thus g(x) = x if and only if x \le N. Lemma 3 (key Lemma). f^b(x) = g^a(x) for all x Proof. If x \le N then this is obvious, so assume x > N. Note that x<g(x)<g^2(x)<\cdotsThus we can find i such that g^i(x) > C, and we compute f^b(g^i(x)) = g^i(x) + ab = g^a(g^i(x)).From here we can take out i copies of g from both sides of the equation due to the fact that g is injective. We are left with f^b(x) = g^a(x),as desired. \blacksquare
23.07.2018 06:00
The problem reduces to the following claims: 1. * is associative 2. If XY=YX and |X|=|Y|, then X=Y. Indeed, if claims 1 and 2 are true then AB=BA implies A^bB^a=B^aA^b, and since |A^b|=|B^a|=ab, we get A^b=B^a. Define S_X(Y)=\{f_X(y): y\in Y\}. Note that S_X(Y) and X are always disjoint. Additionally, S_X(Y\cup Z)=S_X(Y)\cup S_X(Z). Using this, we get (X*Y)*Z=X\cup S_X(Y)\cup S_{X*Y}(Z) and X*(Y*Z)=X\cup S_X(Y)\cup S_X(S_Y(Z)). Thus, it remains to prove S_{X*Y}(Z)=S_X(S_Y(Z)). We prove the stronger claim that f_{X*Y}(n)=f_X(f_Y(n)) for any integer n. Since f_T is strictly increasing for any set T, it remains to show that the range of f_{X*Y} and the range of f_X\circ f_Y are identical. Obviously, the range of f_{X*Y} is every positive integer not in X*Y; i.e., any integer not in X or S_X(Y). Now, suppose m is in the range of f_X\circ f_Y. Then m cannot be in X, since m is in the range of f_X. Moreover, f_X^{-1}(m) cannot be in Y, since it is in the range of f_Y. This implies that m cannot be in S_X(Y). For all m not in X or S_X(Y), we can check that f^{-1}_Y(f^{-1}_X(m)) is defined, and thus the range of f_X\circ f_Y is every positive integer not in X or S_X(Y), i.e. the same range as f_{X*Y}. This proves associativity of *. Now we prove the second claim via induction. Because * is associative, we simply denote X*Y as XY. Obviously, the claim is true for |X|=|Y|=1. Now, suppose it is valid for |X|=|Y|=s. Let \max(X) denote the maximum value in a set X. For the sake of contradiction, suppose \max(X) < \max(Y). Then \max(S_X(Y))=f_X(\max(Y))=\max(Y)+s since \max(Y) > \max(X). On the other hand, \max(S_Y(X))=f_Y(\max(X))\le \max(X)+s<\max(Y)+s; note that it could not be greater than \max(X)+s by definition. Thus, \max(XY)=\max(\max(X), \max(S_X(Y))=\max(Y)+s and \max(YX)=\max(\max(Y), \max(S_Y(X))<\max(Y)+s, contradicting XY=YX! Thus, \max(X)=\max(Y). Now, denote M=\max(X)=\max(Y) and X’=X-\{M\}, and Y’ similarly. We claim that XY=YX implies X’Y’=Y’X’, and then induction proves claim 2 since |X’|=|Y’|=s-1. Note that f_{X’}(n)=f_X(n) if f_X(n) <M and f_{X’}(n)=f_X(n)-1 if f_X(n)\ge M. Thus, S_{X’}(Y’) is just the set S_X(Y’) with all elements greater than or equal to M decreased by one. Moreover, S_X(Y)=S_X(Y’)\cup \{f_X(M)\}=S_X(Y’)\cup \{M+s\}. Therefore, S_{X’}(Y’) is equivalent to S_X(Y) with the element M+s removed and all elements at least M decreased by one. Now, since all elements of X’ are less than M, it follows that to get from XY=X\cup S_X(Y) to X’Y’=X’\cup S_{X’}(Y’) one applies the following procedure: 1. Remove the elements M and M+s. 2. Decrease all the remaining elements \ge M by one. But by symmetry the same procedure is done to get from YX to Y’X’. Since XY=YX, it follows X’Y’=Y’X’ and thus by induction, X’=Y’\rightarrow X=Y, proving claim 2. Thus, from the above two claims, we get A^b=B^a as desired. \square
20.08.2018 23:15
1. * is associative. We want to prove X*(Y*Z)=(X*Y)*Z First, just remove all of the members of X. Then, both sides of the upper equation are just Y*Z. The difference is just when we add back the elements of X. However, it's clear that at what step we add back the elements of X does not affect any other elements, so both sides are the same. \blacksquare 2. X*Y=Y*X and |X|=|Y| implies X=Y Let |X|=|Y|=k, and let the maximum elements of X and Y be x_1 and y_1, respectively. Assume for sake of contradiction that x_1\neq y_1, so wlog, x_1>y_1 Then, the maximum element of Y*X must be either y_1 or x_1+k. The former is if the maximum is from the original set, the latter is if the maximum is one of the added numbers. Clearly, the maximum cannot be y_1, since y_1<x_1\in X*Y=Y*X. Thus, we have the maximum element of Y*X is x_1+k. Then, the maximum element of X*Y must be x_1 or y_1+k by the same logic. But since k is nonzero and y_1<x_1, we have that both possibilities are less than x_1+k We have a contradiction, so x_1=y_1. Let x_1=y_1=z Now, we remove z from X to get X_1 and likewise for Y to get Y_1. So let's consider what happens to X*Y when we make this removal. So when we go from X*Y to X*Y_1 we just remove the zth element in X*Y not in X. Since the maximum element in X is z, the zth element must be greater than z, so it has to be z+k. Now, to go from X*Y_1 to X_1*Y_1, we just remove z from x and shift everything above down by 1. Note that going from Y*X to Y_1*X_1 uses the exact same steps, so X*Y=Y*X implies X_1*Y*1=Y_1*X_1 Thus, we can remove the maximum from both sets to get two equivalent sets. But then we can just repeat this process of proving the two maximum numbers of both sets are equal and removing them, to eventually get that both sets are equivalent. \blacksquare Now, we clearly have that A^bB^a=B^aA^B by associativity, so (2) gives A^b=B^a \square
20.12.2018 16:34
CantonMathGuy wrote: This problem was proposed by Alex Zhai (USA). The original proposal also asks to prove the converse: if A^{*|B|} = B^{*|A|} then A * B = B * A. The converse, anyone? (Sorry if it's a dumb question, but I don't find it trivial)
04.04.2019 22:51
Lemma 1: If X*Y=Y*X and |X|=|Y|, then X=Y. Proof: We will use induction. The base case is trivial, so suppose we have |X|=|Y|=n, and X*Y=Y*X. Consider the largest number in each set, and call them M_x and M_y. If M_x\neq M_y (WLOG M_x > M_y), then consider f_Y(M_x). Clearly, f_Y(M_x)>M_x>M_y, and it is the largest number in X*Y. On the other hand, if f_X(M_y)<M_x, then the largest number in Y*X is M_x, which is a contradiction. So, we must have f_X(M_y)>M_x. However, it is obvious that f_X(M_y)=M_y+n, f_Y(M_x)=M_x+n, and they are both the largest numbers in Y*X, X*Y respectively, so we must have M_x=M_y, which is a contradiction. Therefore, we always have that M_x=M_y, and it is not hard to see we can just remove both numbers from X, Y respectively but keep X*Y=Y*X. We are now done by inductive hypothesis. Lemma 2: The operation * is associative. Proof: We need to show that A*(B*C)=(A*B)*C. Considering the RHS, A*B=A\cup\{f_A(b) : b\in B\}, and when we star this with C, we will add on f_{A*B}(c) for all c\in C. However, it is not hard to see that f_{A*B}(c)=f_A(f_B(c)), so (A*B)*C=A\cup\{f_A(b) : b\in B\}\cup\{f_A(f_B(c)) : c\in C\}=A\cup\{f_{A}(k) : k\in B*C\}=A*(B*C) Looking at the question, we know that for any combination of As and Bs, we can star them in any way we like, as the operation is both associative and commutative. In particular, \underbrace{A*(A*\cdots (A*A)\cdots )}_{\text{ A appears $b$ times}}*\underbrace{B*(B*\cdots (B*B)\cdots )}_{\text{ B appears $a$ times}}=\underbrace{B*(B*\cdots (B*B)\cdots )}_{\text{ B appears $a$ times}}*\underbrace{A*(A*\cdots (A*A)\cdots )}_{\text{ A appears $b$ times}}.As each big term has ab elements, we have, by Lemma 1, \underbrace{A*(A*\cdots (A*(A*A))\cdots )}_{\text{ A appears b times}}=\underbrace{B*(B*\cdots (B*(B*B))\cdots )}_{\text{ B appears a times}} as desired.
10.11.2020 00:03
02.04.2021 19:31
Lemma 1. Let A,B\in \mathbb{N}, then for all integers n, f_A(f_B(n)) = f_{A*B}(n) Proof: Let M=\{f_A(f_B(n)): n\ge 1\} and N=\{f_{A*B}(n): n\ge 1. It suffices to show M=N. Observe the range of f_A(x) is simply \mathbb{N}\backslash A, so N=\mathbb{N}\backslash (A*B) and M=\mathbb{N}\backslash A \cup \{f_A(b): b\in B\}=\mathbb{N}\backslash A*B, as desired. Lemma 2: A*(B*C)=(A*B)*C Proof. Note \{ f_A(f_{B*C}(n)): n\ge 1\} = \{f_A(f_B(f_C(n))): n\ge 1\} = \{f_{A*B}(f_C(n)): n\ge 1\}, where the equalities hold by lemma 1. Now, we present two solutions similar in flavor, both involving convolutions of the same function. Solution 1: I claim the A,B have the same smallest number. Proof: Let b_1 be the smallest number in B. Then f_B(f_A(b_1-1))=f_A(b_1-1), which implies f_A(b_1-1)=b_1-1, which means the smallest number in A is at least b_1. Repeating the same argument gives that their smallest elements are the same. Now, let x_0 be their smallest element. We wish to show f_A^{|B|} (n) = f_B^{|A|}(n). If n<x_0 we're trivially done. If n\ge x_0, f(n)-n\ge 1, so we apply enough f's such that f^e(n) > \max\limits_{a\in A} a - |A|, \max\limits_{b\in B} b - |B|. Then, f^A{|B|}(f^e(n))=f^e(n)+ab=f_B^{|A|}(f^e(n)). Since f is injective, we are done. Solution 2: Let B^a=B*(B^{a-1}). By Lemma 2 and A*B=B*A, B^a * A^b = A^b * B^a Let X=B^a, Y=A^b. Let f_X(n)=n+f(n), f_Y(n)=n+g(n), so the functional equation writes as g(n)+f(n+g(n))=f(n)+g(n+f(n)) Notice g is a non-decreasing continuous function. Furthermore, since |X|=|Y|=ab, we can see for all sufficiently large n, f(n)=g(n)=n+ab. Assume for contradiction g(n)>f(n) for some n'. This implies g(n'+g(n'))>g(n'+f(n'))>f(n'+g(n')). Let h(n)=n+g(n)=f_Y(n). Since g(n)\ge 1 \forall n>n', there exist m such that h^m(n)>\max\limits_{x\in X} x - |X| and g(h^m(n)) > f(h^m(n)), contradiction.
14.01.2022 20:42
First, we make the following observation. The k-th smallest number not in X * Y is essentially picking the k-th smallest number that is not in Y, from the numbers apart from X (\mathbb{N} \setminus X), so we have f_{X * Y}(k) = f_X(f_Y(k)). From now on, let f(n) = f_A(n) and g(n) = f_B(n). The problem gives that f(g(n)) = f_A(f_B(n)) = f_{A * B}(n) = f_{B*A}(n) = f_{B}(f_{A}(n)) = g(f(n)) Note that X = Y \iff f_X = f_Y, so it suffices to show that f_{A*(A* \cdots * (A*A))} = f_{B*(B* \cdots * (B*B))} which by the previous paragraph is equivalent to f^b(n) = g^a(n). Also clearly both f,g are strictly increasing. We also have that eventually (when n goes beyond the maximum element in A and B), f,g just increase by a,b respectively, so we have essentially reduced the problem to the following. Equivalent problem wrote: Call a function f:\mathbb{N}\rightarrow \mathbb{N} as k -good if it is strictly increasing, and f(x) = x+k for sufficiently large x. Suppose f,g are a good and b good respectively, and f(g(n)) = g(f(n)). Prove that f^b(n) = g^a(n) Suppose not, and say f^b(n) > g^a(n) for some maximal n, which clearly exist since once f,g just start increasing by a,b this clearly holds because both sides just become n + ab. But then we have f^b(f^b(n)) > f^b(g^a(n)) \implies f^b(f^b(n)) > g^a(f^b(n)). Since n was maximal, we must have f^b(n) \le n. But obviously f(n) \ge n, so we have f^b(n) = n and since its strictly increasing, f(n) = n. But we have n \le g(n) \le g^a(n) < f^b(n) = n, a contradiction. Therefore, we indeed have f^b(n) = g^a(n) for all n, as desired. \blacksquare
31.01.2022 10:02
(A * B) * C = A * (B * C), so the operation is associative. Therefore by commutativity, X = A^b and Y = B^a commute, and clearly have the same size. Furthermore, notice that by casework, if two sets commute then they have the same number of missing elements less than their maximal element. Notice that removing the largest element when both sets have the same amounts of elements does not affect commutativity. Hence, it cannot be the case that upon removing the last element, one set has a smaller largest element than the other, since the number of missing elements and number of included elements is the same between the sets. Hence by induction by continually removing their maximal element, X = Y.
21.04.2023 14:20
My friend recommend it to me and it's really nice though I can't solve it. Maybe it is more like an algebra than a combo.
17.03.2024 14:22
we all love kth order statistic mexes
04.04.2024 20:54
Is it true that 2017 A shortlist had 9 problems?
25.05.2024 10:50
Very nive problem, solved in 1.5 days! I think there is group theory background though I know nothing about it. First we prove (A*B)*C=A*(B*C) for all finite positive integer sets A,B,C. We only need to prove f_{A*B}=f_A\circ f_B. Because all of them are increasing function, we only need \Im f_{A*B}=\Im (f_A\circ f_B). This is because \Im f_{A*B}=\mathbb N_+\setminus (A*B)=\mathbb N_+\setminus (A\cup f_A(B))=f_A(\mathbb N_+\setminus B)=f_A(\Im f_B)=\Im (f_A\circ f_B).\BoxDefine S^{*(n)}:=\underbrace{S*(S*\cdots (S*(S*S))\cdots )}_{\text{ S appears n times}}. Now by A*B=B*A we get \begin{align*}A^{*(b)}*B^{*(a)}=A^{*(b-1)}*B*A*B^{*(a-1)}=\cdots =A^{*(b-1)}*B^{*(a)}*A=\cdots B^{*(a)}*A^{*(b)}.\end{align*}So we only need |X|=|Y|,X*Y=Y*X\Longrightarrow X=Y to prove A^{*(b)}*B^{*(a)}. We use induction on |X|=:n. n=1 is obvious. Now assume it is right for n-1, consider {}{}n. Let \max X:=x_n,\max Y:=y_n. If x_n\neq y_n, WLOG x_n<y_n. Then f_X(y_n)=y_n+n, so \max X*Y=y_n+n. However \max Y*X=\max\{y_n,f_Y(x_n)\}<y_n+n, contradiction! Therefore x_n=y_n. Now (X\setminus\{x_n\})*(Y\setminus\{y_n\})=X*(Y\setminus\{y_n\})\setminus\{x_n\}=X*Y\setminus\{x_n+n,x_n\}=(Y\setminus\{y_n\})*(X\setminus\{x_n\}).So use induction hypothesis on X\setminus\{x_n\},Y\setminus\{y_n\} and we are done.\Box
26.10.2024 18:22
Very cutesy very demure problem This is trivially true if either A or B is empty so assume not. Claim: We have that (A \ast B) \ast C = A \ast (B \ast C). Proof. A and \{f_A(b) \in b \in B\} can be to seen be in both. We claim that f_{A \ast B} (c) = f_A(f_B(c)) for c \in C. Let \overline{T} = {\mathbb N} \setminus {T} for set T. Note that f_A is invertible from its codomain. Let z = f_{A}^{-1}(f_{A \ast B}(c)) which exists since \overline{A \ast B} \subset \overline{A}. Then f_{A \ast B} (c) > f_A(b) \iff z > b The number of elements s \ne f_A(b) of \overline{A \ast B} less than f_{A \ast B}(c) is then same as the number of elements f_A^{-1}(s) \ne b of {\mathbb N} \setminus B less than z. However, these are both just c, so z = f_B(c) as desired. \blacksquare We now define A^k as taking A \ast A \ast A \dots A where there are k As. Let A = \{a_1, a_2, \dots, a_m\} and B = \{b_1, b_2, \dots, b_n\} where A and B are sorted so a_m, b_n are maximal. Claim: The difference a_m - b_n between the largest element of A and B is equal to |A| - |B|. Proof. The largest element of A \ast B and B \ast A are equal so \max(f_A(b_n), a_m) = \max(f_B(a_m), b_n) Note that if a_m = f_B(a_m) this implies a_m < b_n, so this becomes f_A(b_n) = b_n which can't be true. Since f_A(b_n) > b_n and f_B(a_m) > a_m this means that f_A(b_n) = f_B(a_m). Now WLOG suppose that a_m \ge b_n. Then this becomes f_A(b_n) = a_m + |B|. Since f_A(b_n) > a_m, it follows that b_n + |A| = a_m + |B| \blacksquare Now, the largest element of A^{|B|} is f_A^{|B| - 1} (a_m) = a_m + |A| \cdot (|B| - 1) and the largest element of B^{|A|} is similarly b_n + |B| \cdot (|A| - 1) which are equal by the above lemma. Furthermore, by associativity and commutativity, we have that A^{|B|} \ast B^{|A|} = B^{|A|} \ast A^{|B|} We now claim the following which finishes. Claim: Let A, B be finite subsets of {\mathbb N} such that A \ast B = B \ast A. If A and B have the same largest element, then A = B. Proof. Adopt the same notation for A, B as above. Then since a_m = b_n = c this implies that |A| = |B| and m = n. Define A', B' as A, B with c removed. Then A' \ast B' = f_{\{c\}}^{-1}(A \ast B \setminus \{c, 2c\}) because if f_A(x) > c, then f_{A'}(x) = f_A(x) - 1 and else f_A(x) = f_{A'}(x). This implies that A' \ast B' = B' \ast A'. Since |A'| = |B'| this implies that a_{n-1} = b_{n-1} holds and we finish inductively. \blacksquare
08.01.2025 06:38
First trivially notice that any such f_X is strictly increasing and also that for all x \ge M it is true that f_A(x)=x+a and f_B(x)=x+b (because both A,B are finite), now we make some simple observations. Claim: f_{X*Y}(x)=f_X(f_Y(x)) Proof: Due to strictly increasingness it's enough to prove they have the same image, so for any finite set X just note that f_X(\mathbb Z_{>0})=\mathbb Z_{>0} \setminus X which means that: f_{X*Y}(\mathbb Z_{>0})=\mathbb Z_{>0} \setminus (X*Y)=\mathbb Z_{>0} \setminus (X \cup f_X(Y))=(\mathbb Z_{>0} \setminus X) \setminus f_X(Y)=f_X(\mathbb Z_{>0}) \setminus f_X(Y)=f_X(\mathbb Z_{>0} \setminus Y)=f_X(f_Y(\mathbb Z_{>0})) Which proves that they have the same imagine and thus are in fact the same function. Trivially also from image note that if f_X=f_Y then X=Y, so now using Claim 1 and problem condition we are given f_A(f_B(x))=f_{A*B}(x)=f_{B*A}(x)=f_B(f_A(x)) and now to save us work just call f_A=f_1 and f_B=f_2. Notice that all we need to prove now from everything seen above is that f_1^b(x)=f_2^a(x), this is trivially true for all x \ge M so now assume it was false for some maximal n<M. First remember that we obtained f_1(f_2(x))=f_2(f_1(x)) which now by messing with iterations gives that for any u,v \in \mathbb Z_{>0} we have that f_1^u(f_2^v(x))=f_2^v(f_1^u(x)), and thus if WLOG (since other case is symetrical) we had that f_1^b(n)>f_2^a(n) for this said n, then notice that stack of strictly increasing functions is still strictly increasing meaning that f_1^b(f_1^b(n))>f_1^b(f_2^a(n))=f_2^a(f_1^b(n)) and from the maximaility we obtain that n \ge f_1^b(n) and since f_1^b is strictly increasing this means f_1^b(x)=x for all x \le n but then we have n>f_2^a(n) and this can't happen due to strictly increasingness thus no such n exists and our desired conclusion is true. Therefore f_1^b(x)=f_2^a(x) holds everywhere thus we are done
08.01.2025 19:21
Claim. The operation * is associative. Proof. Consider the "gaps" in A. Essentially (A*B)*C is filling in these gaps with B then C, and A*(B*C) is filling in these gaps with B*C. But if we think of these gaps not as gaps but all of the positive integers again, then filling them with B makes it exactly B, so filling with B then C is just filling it with B*C. Now it is not hard to see that the LHS and RHS of the big equation we want to prove commute. In fact, we claim that if A*B=B*A and |A|=|B| (obviously these are satisfied in the desired equation), then A=B. (So here, A is actually A*(A*\dots) and similarly for B). Define the n-gaps of a set S of positive integers, S_n', to be the set of positive integers not included in S that are less than or equal to n. Then define the gaps of S to be S'=S_{\max(S)}'. For example, the gaps of \{1,3,5\} is the set \{2,4\}. Also, define g_X(k) to be the k-th smallest positive integer in X. Note that \max(A*B)=\max(\max(A),|A|+\max(B)).Therefore, M=\max(\max(A),|A|+\max(B))=\max(\max(B),|B|+\max(A)).Since M\ge |B|+\max(A)>\max(A), we have M=|A|+\max(B). Similarly, M=|B|+\max(A). Thus \max(A)-|A|=\max(B)-|B|\Longrightarrow |A'|=|B'|M>\max(A),\max(B). Now the idea is that the gaps of A*B is just \{g_{A_M'}(x):x\in B'\}, because if x\in B' then g_{A_M'}(x) will not be covered by the A or the B. So indeed, the equation we are actually interested in is \{g_{A_M'}(x):x\in B'\}=\{g_{B_M'}(x):x\in A'\}.If we sort in increasing order A_M'=\{a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n=\max(A'),a_{n+1},\dots\} and B_M'=\{b_1,b_2,\dots,b_n=\max(B'),b_{n+1},\dots\} then g_{A_M'}(b_i)=g_{B_M'}(a_i)\Longleftrightarrow a_{b_i}=b_{a_i}.Note that \max(A)=|A|+|A'|=|B|+|B'|=\max(B), so a_{n+1}=b_{n+1}, a_{n+2}=b_{n+2}, etc. Now consider FTSOC the maximum positive integer k\le n such that a_k\ne b_k. Then one of these can't be k, assume WLOG a_k>k. Then a_{b_k}=b_{a_k}=a_{a_k}, so a_k=b_k, contradiction. So A'=B'. Since |A|=|B|, that means A=B. \blacksquare