f:R2→R2 is injective and surjective. Distance of X and Y is not less than distance of f(X) and f(Y). Prove for A in plane: S(A)≥S(f(A)) where S(A) is area of A
Source: Iran 2004
Tags: geometry, function, perimeter, geometry proposed
15.09.2004 15:53
Maybe it's time to post your solution, since you say it's easy...
15.09.2004 17:40
Hint : u should solve it with circle packing
15.09.2004 22:35
Maybe the best idea is to break it in small squares, or any regular figure..., but I think the problem is the function is not continuous....... Also, here arises a question, is A a contour of the figure, or is A the entire figure, because some continuity problems appear.... What do you think, sam-n ????
15.09.2004 23:51
Take a point P inside A. Take all the distances from P to all points of the perimeter of A. we take k=max[d(P,f(B))/d(P,B)] where B is a point of the perimeter. We know that k<1 and all points of f(A) are in A' where A' is A dilatate about P of the coefficient k. So S[f(A)]<=S(A') but S(A')=kS(A)<S(A) and so S[f(A)]<S(A) c.v.d.
22.09.2004 03:01
what is circle packing?
22.09.2004 14:22
Well for any figure B you must first put some cirlces in B that they are distinct and sum of their areas is S(B)−ϵ.
28.09.2004 11:30
Well consider circles with centers f(A1),f(A2),...,f(An)(Ai∈A) with radius r1,...,rn that are distinct and sum of ther areas is S(f(A))−ϵ Now draw circles with centers A1,...,An and radius r1,...,rn . Prove they are distinct and are in A so for every ϵ: S(A)≥S(f(A))−ϵ And this proves the problem
02.10.2004 22:06
For circle packing you must use this that for every ϵ there are finite squares in A sum of their area is at least S(A)−ϵ
05.06.2016 16:27
Simo_the_Wolf wrote: Take a point P inside A. Take all the distances from P to all points of the perimeter of A. we take k=max[d(P,f(B))/d(P,B)] where B is a point of the perimeter. We know that k<1 and all points of f(A) are in A' where A' is A dilatate about P of the coefficient k. So S[f(A)]<=S(A') but S(A')=kS(A)<S(A) and so S[f(A)]<S(A) c.v.d. But the figure may not be convex so why f(A) is in A'?