Let $ABC$ be a triangle and $AA_1$ be the angle bisector of $A$ ($A_1 \in BC$). The point $P$ is on the segment $AA_1$ and $M$ is the midpoint of the side $BC$. The point $Q$ is on the line connecting $P$ and $M$ such that $M$ is the midpoint of $PQ$. Define $D$ and $E$ as the intersections of $BQ$, $AC$, and $CQ$, $AB$. Prove that $CD=BE$.
Source: Bulgaria JBMO TST 2018, Day 2, Problem 2
Tags: geometry, angle bisector
25.06.2018 11:26
Will all these JBMO TST problems get complied and placed in the contest collections? (I am replying here as to not flood this topic too much) Cool, will try them eventually.
25.06.2018 11:27
Yeah, that's my intention for Bulgaria JBMO TST 2018. EDIT. Done.
25.06.2018 11:57
Edit: Completed it
25.06.2018 11:57
Using Law of Sinus we deduce that $\dfrac{BE}{BC}=\dfrac{\sin{\widehat{BCE}}}{\sin{\widehat{BEC}}}$ $\dfrac{CD}{BC}=\dfrac{\sin{\widehat{CBD}}}{\sin{\widehat{CDB}}}$ As a result we conclude that it suffices to prove that $\dfrac{\sin{\widehat{BCE}}}{\sin{\widehat{BEC}}}=\dfrac{\sin{\widehat{CBD}}}{\sin{\widehat{CDB}}}$ Its is easy to see that $BPCQ$ is parallelogram ($M$ is the midpoint of both $BC$ and $PQ$). Consequently $\widehat{BCE}=\widehat{CBP}, \widehat{BEC}=\widehat{ABP}, \widehat{CBD}=\widehat{BCP}, \widehat{CDB}=\widehat{ACP}$. Therefore it suffices to prove that $\dfrac{\sin{\widehat{CBP}}}{\sin{\widehat{ABP}}}=\dfrac{\sin{\widehat{BCP}}}{\sin{\widehat{ACP}}}$ Applying again Law of Sinus we deduce that $\dfrac{\sin{\widehat{CBP}}}{\sin{\widehat{BPA_1}}}=\dfrac{\sin{\widehat{A_1BP}}}{\sin{\widehat{BPA_1}}}=\dfrac{PA_1}{BA_1}$ $\dfrac{\sin{\widehat{ABP}}}{\sin{\widehat{BPA}}}=\dfrac{PA}{BA}$ However, since $\widehat{BPA_1}+\widehat{BPA}=180^o$, it is $\sin{\widehat{BPA_1}}=\sin{\widehat{BPA}}$. As a result $\dfrac{\sin{\widehat{CBP}}}{\sin{\widehat{ABP}}}=\dfrac{PA_1\cdot BA}{BA_1\cdot PA}$. For the same reasons, $\dfrac{\sin{\widehat{BCP}}}{\sin{\widehat{ACP}}}=\dfrac{PA_1\cdot CA}{CA_1\cdot PA}$ It suffices to prove that $\dfrac{BA}{BA_1}=\dfrac{CA}{CA_1}\Leftrightarrow \dfrac{BA}{CA}=\dfrac{BA_1}{CA_1}$, which is true because of the wellknow "bisector theorem".
25.06.2018 18:22
Let $L=BP\cap AC,K=CP\cap AB$ , remark that $QD \parallel BL,QE \parallel CK$ since $PQ,BC$ have the same midpoint thus $\frac{KB}{KA}=\frac{EC}{CA},\frac{LC}{LA}=\frac{DB}{BA}$ but by Ceva's we deduces $\frac{KB}{KA}.\frac{LA}{LC}=\frac{BA_1}{A_1C}=\frac{AB}{AC}\implies \frac{EC}{CA}.\frac{BA}{BD}=\frac{AB}{AC}$ therefore the result follows . RH HAS
26.05.2019 05:05
This is just Sine Rule on $\Delta APB $, $\Delta APC $, $\Delta BEQ $ and $\Delta CQD $