Let $ m,n$ be two integers such that $ \varphi(m) =\varphi(n) = c$. Prove that there exist natural numbers $ b_{1},b_{2},\dots,b_{c}$ such that $ \{b_{1},b_{2},\dots,b_{c}\}$ is a reduced residue system with both $ m$ and $ n$.
Source: Iranian National Olympiad (3rd Round) 2007
Tags: graph theory, number theory proposed, number theory
30.08.2007 16:52
you see the system $ x (mod m) = r,x(mod n) = s$has a solution if $ (m,n) = d$devides $ r-s$. if you make a bipartite graph with respect to two reduced residue system for $ m$ and $ n$,and join $ r$ from the first part to $ s$ from second part if $ r-s$ is devisible by $ d$.by inclusion principle we conclude that every part is regular,so we have a matching,using hall theorem.
31.08.2007 14:35
can we make some bounds for the number of matchings?
05.09.2007 09:42
in fact we can compute the exact number of matchings.
05.09.2007 19:53
Also a generalization for this for $ m,n,k$ which $ \varphi(m)=\varphi(n)=\varphi(k)=c$ there exist $ m,n,k$ such that $ a_{1},a_{2},\dots,a_{c}$ such that is reduced residue system for $ m,n,k$. As I know the problem is not correct for more than three numbers.
05.02.2008 00:51
dashmiz wrote: you see the system $ x (mod m) = r,x(mod n) = s$has a solution if $ (m,n) = d$devides $ r - s$. if you make a bipartite graph with respect to two reduced residue system for $ m$ and $ n$,and join $ r$ from the first part to $ s$ from second part if $ r - s$ is devisible by $ d$.by inclusion principle we conclude that every part is regular,so we have a matching,using hall theorem. I think this graph will be union of $ \phi (d)$ complete bipartite graphs, in each component there will be $ \frac{\phi (m)}{\phi (d)}$ =$ \frac{\phi (n)}{\phi (d)}$=$ v$ vertices in each vertice class. Even without KÅ‘nig-Hall thm we can find $ v!^{\phi(d)}$ matchings. Correct me please if I was wrong...
12.07.2022 15:40
Can we solve the problem without using graph ?