
Source: 2017 Taiwan TST Round 1

Tags: geometry

Two line $BC$ and $EF$ are parallel. Let $D$ be a point on segment $BC$ different from $B$,$C$. Let $I$ be the intersection of $BF$ ans $CE$. Denote the circumcircle of $\triangle CDE$ and $\triangle BDF$ as $K$,$L$. Circle $K$,$L$ are tangent with $EF$ at $E$,$F$,respectively. Let $A$ be the other intersection of circle $K$ and $L$. Let $DF$ and circle $K$ intersect again at $Q$, and $DE$ and circle $L$ intersect again at $R$. Let $EQ$ and $FR$ intersect at $M$. Prove that $I$, $A$, $M$ are collinear.