Let a,b,c be side lengths of a triangle and a+b+c=3. Find the minimum of a2+b2+c2+4abc3
Source: Chinese Northern Mathematical Olympiad 2007
Tags: inequalities, geometric inequality, inequalities proposed, China, High school olympiad
05.08.2007 12:59
April wrote: Let a,b,c be side lengths of a triangle and a+b+c=3. Find the minimum of a2+b2+c2+4abc3 P.S. Thank you, Zhaoli. Since a,b,c are sides of a triangle we can change a=x+y, b=y+z and c=z+x with x+y+z=32 So we have: a2+b2+c2+4abc3=(a2+b2+c2)(a+b+c)+4abc3= 2((x+y)2+(y+z)2+(z+x)2)(x+y+z)+4(x+y)(y+z)(z+x)3= 4(x3+y3+z3+3x2y+3xy2+3y2z+3yz2+3z2x+3zx2+5xyz)3= 4((x+y+z)3−xyz)3=4(2627(x+y+z)3+(x+y+z3)3−xyz)3≥ ≥4(2627(x+y+z)33=133
06.08.2007 08:24
the third degree Schur's inequality (a+b+c)3+9abc≥ 4(a+b+c)(ab+ac+bc)−−−→abc≥19(12(ab+ac+bc)−27) and 13(a+b+c)2≥ ab+ac+bc from this a2+b2+c2+4abc3=(a+b+c)2−2ab−2ac−2bc+43∗19(12(ab+ac+bc)−27)=32−2(ab+ac+bc)+169(ab+ac+bc)−4=5−29(ab+ac+bc)≥ 5−69=134 a=b=c=1
10.08.2007 11:43
Let x=a3 , y=b3 , z=c3 so that x+y+z=1. Now a2+b2+c2 +4ab3 =(a+b+c)2- 2∑ab +4ab3 which after substitution for a,b c, in terms of x,y,z and using a+b+c =3 becomes 9−18(xy+yz+zx−2xyz). We will find the maximum of xy+yz+zx−2xyz. The identity x3+y3+z3−3xyz=(x+y+z)(x2+y2+z2−xy−yz−zx) , after replacing x+y+z by 1 and some re-arrangement gives xy+yz+zx−2xyz =x2(1−x) + y2(1−y) +z2(1−z) +xyz Assume that x ≤ y ≤ z . Then 1-x ≥ 1-y ≥1-z Writing ∑x2(1−x) as ∑(x.x.(1−x)) ,Tchebychefs inequality gives \frac{\sum(x.x.(1-x)}_{3} ≤ \frac{\sum(x)}_{3}.\frac{\sum(x)}_{3}.\frac{\sum(1-x)}_{3} which gives ∑(x2.(1−x) ≤ 627 with equality iff x=y=z, Finally by arithmetic-geometric inequality xyz ≤ (x+y+z)3/27 =127 with equality iff x=y=z. Putting the two inequalities together gives \frac{\sum(x.x.(1-x)}_{3} + xyz ≤ 727 with equality iff x=y=z. Thus the greatest value of xy+yz+zx−2xyz is 727 and it follows that the least value of 9−18(xy−yz−zx−2xyz) is 133 This problem is essentially Q1 from IMO 1984.
01.09.2007 13:52
From substituting a=x+y,b=y+z and c=z+x, we get, that x+y+z=3/2. After changing a2+b2+c2+4/3abc by x,y and z, we get: a2+b2+c2+4abc/3=1/6(27−8xyz)≥1/6(27−1)=13/3,(By Cauchy) with equality if x=y=z=3/2,or a=b=c=1. So min(a^{2}+b^{2}+c^{2}+4abc/3)=13/3.
24.01.2016 21:10
I think it is true for all a,b,c such that a+b+c=3 . They need not be sides of a triangle. My solution ---- Let f(a,b,c)=a2+b2+c2+4abc3 Lemma 1-- At least two of a,b,c are less than 32 Proof-- Suppose not . We get contradiction. Lemma 2-- Suppose a is less than 32 then f(a,b,c)≥f(a,b+c2,b+c2) Proof-- Equivalent to (12−a3)(b−c)2≥0 Now using Lemma 1 we get b+c2 and a less than 32 Thus we have minimum at a=b=c Thus we get the answer 133
24.01.2016 21:15
zaya_yc wrote: 5-\frac{6}{9}=\frac{13}{4}$ a=b=c=1 Looks like no one noticed the typo!
24.01.2016 21:18
LOL I think they added triangle sides to keep up the computational structure of the exam
31.01.2020 11:59
April wrote: Let a,b,c be side lengths of a triangle and a+b+c=3. Find the minimum of a2+b2+c2+4abc3 Let a,b,c be positive numbers such that a+b+c=3. Prove thata2+b2+c2+43abc≥133.Let a,b,c be positive numbers such that a+b+c=1. Prove thata2+b2+c2+4abc≥1327.Let a,b,c be side lengths of a triangle with a+b+c=1. Prove that a2+b2+c2+4abc<121990 ITAMO Let a,b,c be side lengths of a triangle with a+b+c=2. Prove that 5227≤a2+b2+c2+2abc<2Let a,b,c be side lengths of a triangle with a+b+c=1. Prove that
China North MO 2006: Leta,b,c are positive numbers such that a+b+c=3, show that:a2+92a2+(b+c)2+b2+92b2+(c+a)2+c2+92c2+(a+b)2≤5