Baron Munсhausen discovered the following theorem: "For any positive integers a and b there exists a positive integer n such that an is a perfect square, while bn is a perfect cube". Determine if the statement of Baron’s theorem is correct.
Source: III Caucasus Mathematical Olympiad
Tags: number theory
22.03.2018 23:17
Choose n=a3b2 and the rest is easy.
05.04.2018 22:58
n=a^5 * b^9 also works
28.08.2018 16:31
Definitely true.We proceed as follows Choose n=b6k+2⋅a6k+3⋅r2 Then it follows obviously #Remark In fact we can find n such that an is a perfect square, a2n such that it is a perfect cube and atn is a perfect. t power.
26.01.2021 23:34
You can also use Chinese Reminder Theorem, let a=px11px22…pxnn and b=py11py22…pynn, where xi,yi≥0. Say n=pz11pz22…pznn, where xi,yi≥0, therefore we must have by the given conditions that x_i+z_i\equiv 0\pmod{2}and y_i+z_i\equiv 0\pmod{3}.By Chinese Reminder theorem, there exist unique z_i\pmod{6} for x_i,y_i for all i. We are done.