Consider five points A, B, C, D and E such that ABCD is a parallelogram and BCED is a cyclic quadrilateral. Let ℓ be a line passing through A. Suppose that ℓ intersects the interior of the segment DC at F and intersects line BC at G. Suppose also that EF=EG=EC. Prove that ℓ is the bisector of angle DAB. Author: Charles Leytem, Luxembourg
Tags: geometry, parallelogram, circumcircle, IMO, IMO 2007, Charles Leytem, homothety
25.07.2007 10:37
Interesting to have the converse of South Africa 1999 as an IMO problem... Darij
25.07.2007 11:32
Let P, M and N be the midpoints of BD, CF and CG respectively. Since ABCD is a parallelogram, AC also passes through P. Since EC=EF, EM⊥CF; similarly EN⊥CG. Consider the homothety centred at C of ratio 12. Clearly A, F and G are mapped to P, M and N respectively. Hence P, M and N are collinear. Let P′ be the foot of perpendicular from E to BD. Since E lies on the circumcircle of △BCD, P′, M and N are collinear (Simson line). Therefore, P and P′ coincide, or E lies on the perpendiculr bisector of BD. Since ∠BPE=∠CME=90∘ and ∠PBE=∠MCE (angles in the same segment), △PEB is similar to △MEC. Now ∠MNC=∠MEC=∠PEB=12∠DEB=12∠DCB=12 angleDAB. We have proved that the line l and the Simson line PMN are related by a homothety, so they are parallel. Therefore the angle between l and AD is equal to the angle between MN and BC, implying that l is the bisector of ∠DAB.
25.07.2007 12:42
Here is a ‘philosophical’ solution based on converse mentioned by Darij. Let us suppose the converse is proved. Lets move line l and look for moving of point E, the circumcenter of FGC. Its easy to show (or obvious for more experienced people:)) that E passes some quadratic curve which must be hyperbola since it has an asympthote and its unbounded. In our interval (while l intersect CD in ints interior) it is some connected part of hyperbola. Also it is all at the same side of line CD so there are at most two situations when E is on circle BCD. The first is our desired and the second is trivial E=F=G=C.
25.07.2007 16:02
I only want to rewrite the problem and make solution of leepakhin clearly Problem:Given a parallelogramen ABCD and a line l is through A intersects segment CD at F and BC at G.If exist E is a point on circumcircle of triangle BCD such that E is circumcenter of CFG. Prove that l is bisector of ∠DAB. Solution:Let P,M,N be the midpoints of BD,CF,CG resp.ABCD is a parallelogram, AC also passes through P. Easily seen P,M,N are colinear (by homothety or they are in the same line parallel with l) Since EC=EF⇒EM⊥CF similarly EN⊥CG. Thus MN is simson line of E w.r.t BCD but MN∩BD={P}⇒EP⊥BD but P is midpoint of BD⇒EB=ED⇒∠DBE=∠BDE (1) But ∠DBE=∠DCE,∠BDE=∠ACG (2)(ACED is cyclic). Combine (1),(2) we get ∠DCE=∠ACG⇒∠CEF=∠CEG⇒EC is midline of FG⇒ triangle CFG is isoceles ⇒∠DAG=∠AGC=1800−∠FCG2=∠BCD2=∠BAD2 Note: Invense problem: Given a parallelogramen ABCD and a line l is bisector of BAD, l intersect lines CD and BC at F,G.Prove that circumcenter of triangle CFG lie on circumcircle of triangle BCD.

25.07.2007 17:05
i have solved this problem with some easy trigonometry(at home )
25.07.2007 17:13
please post your solution.
25.07.2007 17:56
I solved it by showing that BEG and DED are similar. What do you think was this problem on the shortlist? (I think some G3 )
25.07.2007 18:58
Albanian Eagle wrote: I solved it by showing that BEG and DED are similar. You mean DEC Since AD∥BG, then ∠DAG=∠BGA. So we have to prove ABG is isosceles. F,C,G all lie on the circle with center E and radius EF. Let K be the intersection between this circle and the circumcircle O of BCD. As proved early E is the midpoint of arc BD on O. Then BCKD is a trapezoid and ∠ECK=∠EBC. Since BD∥KC, then ∠EBD=∠ECG=∠EGC and by LAL ΔEDC≡ΔEBG. Finally ABG is isosceles and the thesis follows.
25.07.2007 19:25
This problem can be done using complex numbers, too.
25.07.2007 19:51
let (ABD)=a (DBE)=b (EBC)=c and EC=sinb.k from sin laws DC=sin(b+c).k BC=sina.k FC=2.sinc.cosb.k GC=2.sinc.cos(a+c).k on the other hand we have FC/AB=GC/GB from similarity so writing the above results yields (sina+2.sinc.cos(a+c)).cosb=cos(a+c).sin(b+c) (sina+sin(2c+a)-sina).cosb=cos(a+c).sin(b+c) sin(2c+a+b)+sin(2c+a-b)=sin(2c+a+b)+sin(b-a) sin(b-a)=sin(2c+a-b) 1) b-a+2c+a-b=180 c=90 b=m(DEF)+c so m(ABC)>180 contradiction 2) b-a=2c+a-b so b=a+c hence FC=CG and AB=BG which proves our problem.
25.07.2007 21:34
I solved this problem by coordinates
25.07.2007 22:10
please show us how
26.07.2007 00:15
Sepp wrote: Albanian Eagle wrote: I solved it by showing that BEG and DED are similar. You mean DEC Since AD∥BG, then ∠DAG=∠BGA. So we have to prove ABG is isosceles. F,C,G all lie on the circle with center E and radius EF. Let K be the intersection between this circle and the circumcircle O of BCD. As proved early E is the midpoint of arc BD on O. Then BCKD is a trapezoid and ∠ECK=∠EBC. Since BD∥KC, then ∠EBD=∠ECG=∠EGC and by LAL ΔEDC≡ΔEBG. Finally ABG is isosceles and the thesis follows. yeah! that's exactly my solution. Quite simple and straight foreward. You get the idea by seeing the proof of the other direction
26.07.2007 05:45
Sepp wrote: Albanian Eagle wrote: I solved it by showing that BEG and DED are similar. You mean DEC Since AD∥BG, then ∠DAG=∠BGA. So we have to prove ABG is isosceles. F,C,G all lie on the circle with center E and radius EF. Let K be the intersection between this circle and the circumcircle O of BCD. As proved early E is the midpoint of arc BD on O. Then BCKD is a trapezoid and ∠ECK=∠EBC. Since BD∥KC, then ∠EBD=∠ECG=∠EGC and by LAL ΔEDC≡ΔEBG. Finally ABG is isosceles and the thesis follows. I want to ask you how do you get E is the midpoint of arc BD on O
26.07.2007 06:05
bolzano_1989 wrote: Sepp wrote: Albanian Eagle wrote: I solved it by showing that BEG and DED are similar. You mean DEC Since AD∥BG, then ∠DAG=∠BGA. So we have to prove ABG is isosceles. F,C,G all lie on the circle with center E and radius EF. Let K be the intersection between this circle and the circumcircle O of BCD. As proved early E is the midpoint of arc BD on O. Then BCKD is a trapezoid and ∠ECK=∠EBC. Since BD∥KC, then ∠EBD=∠ECG=∠EGC and by LAL ΔEDC≡ΔEBG. Finally ABG is isosceles and the thesis follows. I want to ask you how do you get E is the midpoint of arc BD on O Well using the notation of the first solution, it either follows from the Simson line argue, or even directly: P, M, N are collinear, CMEN is cyclic implies <PBE = <DCE = <MNE = <PNE, so PBNE is cyclic and <BPE is right.
26.07.2007 09:48
easy geometry...
26.07.2007 12:47
color wrote: please show us how I believe it is too robust... and long (I did this problem (and the fourth )using coordinates too)
26.07.2007 12:51
Hm.. I solved both geometry problems with trigonometry.. Can somebody tell me how to use coordinates to solve geometry problems containing some circles ? It must be very hard..
26.07.2007 13:00
Well, when the circle is circumcircle (around the triangle), it isn't difficult at all, although it might look ugly (or complicated) to some-you know, when you are looking for the equation of a circle which goes through three points, you have two ways to do it: first one is to solve the system of three circle equations, and the anotherone (the way I used) is to find the equations of two symetrals of the triangle's sides, and then find their crossing point-that's the circle's centre, and the radius is simplz calculated using the distance formula (Pythagoras...). On the other hand, whe the circle is inscribed... that's a bit more complicated...
25.07.2022 02:11
Let X be the second intersection of AB and BCED, and S be the second intersection of (FCG) with (BCED). It is easy to see that DX=DA. ∠XSF=∠XSC−∠FSC=∠BAD−∠FGC=∠XAD−∠FAD=∠XAF⇒XASF is cyclic. ∠DES=∠DCS=∠FES2⇒DE bisects ∠FES, and since FE=ES and DE=DE, we have that triangles DEF and DES are congruent, hence DS=DF. By the fact that AXFS is cyclic and DA=DX and DF=DS implies that D is the center of AXFS. By the incenter lemma we have that F is the incenter of triangle CSX. Now, ∠XAF=∠XSF=∠FSC=∠FGC=∠FAD and we are done.
24.08.2022 04:06
We first prove the converse, i.e. if ℓ is the bisector, then the center of (CFG) lies on (BCD):=Γ. In this case, I claim that our E is the arc midpoint of BD. Let H be the point on Γ such that BDHC is an isosceles trapezoid, which by symmetry gives EC=EH. Equivalently, H is the reflection of A over ¯BD. Angle chasing gives ∠CGF=∠FAD=∠BAF=∠DFA=∠CFG,hence CF=CG. Further, ∠GCE=180∘−∠BCE=∠BDE=∠DBE=∠FCE,hence ¯CE bisects ∠FCG. Combining these two facts, it follows that E lies on the perpendicular bisector of ¯FG, i.e. EF=EG. Now, note that DH=DA=DF (where the second equality comes from ∠FAD=∠DFA). Further, ¯DE is the bisector of ∠FDH=∠CDH, as E is the midpoint of minor arc CH. Hence F and H are reflections of each other over ¯ED, so EF=EH. Since EC=EH and EF=EG, it follows that EF=EG=EC, so E is indeed the circumcenter. We now use the converse (!!) to prove that there cannot exist two choices of ℓ such that the center of (CFG) lies on Γ. This can probably be done with hyperbolas but we don't know anything about hyperbolas so we use a synthetic geometry proof instead. Suppose we had some ℓ′ intersecting ¯CD at F′ and ¯BC at G′, such that the center E′ of (CF′G′) was on Γ as well. Note that E′ lies the perpendicular bisector of F′G′, which intersects ¯CE on (CF′G′)—precisely, on the midpoint of arc F′G′ not containing C. Further, as F′ moves from C to D, the length of CE′ strictly increases. If F′ lies on segment ¯CF, then E′ should lie on minor arc CE of Γ, as it is closer to C than E is. On the other hand, said minor arc lies on the opposite side of ¯CE as the perpendicular bisector of F′G′ does. This is because CG′<CF′⟺DA=DF<DF′ (from △F′CG′∼△F′DA) which is true, so the angle bisector theorem implies that the midpoint of ¯F′G′ lies on the opposite side of ¯CE as the minor arc does, and then our previous intersection finding implies that the perpendicular bisector will not "switch sides" within (CF′G′). Likewise, if F′ lies on segment ¯DF, then E′ should lie on major arc CE of Γ, as it is farther from c than E is. On the other hand, this time we have CG′>CF′, so the midpoint of ¯F′G′ again lies on the opposite side of ¯CE as the major arc does. These two cases capture all possibilities, so ℓ′ cannot exist, as desired. ◼
05.09.2022 15:13
Let Γ=(BCED), P=DA∩Γ, Q=BA∩Γ. We have F=λ∩CD, and define X=QF∩Γ. By Pascal on PXQBCD, we have A=BQ∩DP, F=XQ∩CD, and BC∩XP collinear. Hence they are collinear on λ, and since G=λ∩BC then G lies on XP. Claim 1: X is the C-dumpty point of △CGF. Proof: ∠XGC=∠PGC=∠GPD=∠XPD=∠XCD=∠XCF. Similarly, ∠GCX=∠BPX=∠BQX=∠CFX. Hence, by AA we have △XCG∼△XFC, and X is the C-dumpty point. ◻ It's well-known that CX⊥EX. Hence, since C,X,E lie on Γ, either X=E or E is the C-antipode in Γ. Case 1: X=E⇒∠ECG=∠EFC=∠FCE⇒CE is the angle bisector of ∠FCG. Hence △CGF is isosceles. Since △FDA∼△FCG by AA we have ∠FAB=∠AFD=∠DAF, and λ is the bisector of ∠DAB. Case 2: E is the C-antipode. Then (CGF) is the image of Γ under homothety scale factor 2 at C, and so no other point on (CGF) lies inside Γ. But F∈(CGF) lies on segment CD within Γ, contradiction.
22.01.2023 21:50
Note that the Simson line of E wrt △BCD is homothetic to ℓ wrt C with factor 1/2, and therefore passes through the center of ABCD. This yields |EB|=|ED|⟹∠FCE=∠DBE=∠BDE=∠GCE, so it's trivial that |CF|=|CG| and hence ∠BAF=∠CFG=∠CGF=∠DAF, as desired.
04.02.2023 19:38
The key is to construct the Simson Line of E with respect to triangle BCD. By taking a homothety at C with ratio 2, it follows that this line is parallel to ℓ. On the other hand, it is well-known that the the Simson Line is parallel to ¯CJ, where J is the point at which the altitude at E to ¯BD meets (BCD). Thus, it suffices to show J is the arc midpoint. But the aforementioned homothety implies that the Simson Line bisects ¯AC, so it bisects ¯BD too. This common midpoint O is thus both the midpoint and foot from E in triangle EAB, implying that it is isosceles. Thus, ¯EJ bisects ^BD, which is enough.
20.02.2023 00:35
Let M,N,O be midpoints of CG, CF, and BD, respectively. Note that EN⊥CD and EM⊥BC. Note that the perpendicular from E onto BD must lie on MN. Since O,M,N are midpoints of AC, FC, and GC respectively, O lies on MN. Therefore, EO⊥BD. Now, EB=ED, ∠EMB=∠END and ∠NDE=∠EBM so △BME≅△DNE. Therefore, EM=EN which implies CG=CF. Thus, ∠FAD=∠CGF=∠CFG=∠BAFas desired.
24.06.2023 00:11
Let Hb and Hd be the midpoints of CG and CF, respectively. Notice that △ADF∼△GCF and △EHdD∼△EHbB. The first follows from ABCD being a parallelogram and the second follows from ∠EDC=∠EBC combined with ¯EHd⊥¯FC and ¯EHb⊥¯CG. These give: 12CF⋅tan∠EFC12CG⋅tan∠ECG=EHdEHb=DHdBHb=DF+FHdBC+CHb=DF+12CFBC+12CG=CFCG⋅DFCF+12ADCG+12=CFCGwhere the last equality follows from △ADF∼△GCF. Now tan∠EFC=tan∠ECG and the angles are acute, hence ∠EFC=∠ECG. This implies that △EFC≅△EGC, so CF=CG and therefore AD=DF, implying that ℓ is the angle bisector of ∠BAC as desired.
06.08.2023 03:08
Got a hint to construct midpoints, but I think the finish is pretty unique! Let J,K,L be the midpoints of GC,FC,BD. Notice that by a homothety of 1/2 ratio at C we get AFG is a line implies LKJ is a line; Since EJ perp. BC, EK perp. CD, by converse of Simson line we get that EL perp. BD. Now note by pop we get DFFC=ADCG=BCCG⟹DFBC=FCCG=ABBG=CDBG⟹BC⋅CD=DF⋅BG⟹BC⋅BG=DF⋅CDCD=BG,BC=DF⟹BAG=BGA=GAD,as desired. ◼
30.08.2023 23:56
Let M be the midpoint of ¯BD, so by a homothety at C, M is collinear with the feet of the altitudes from E to ¯CB and ¯CD. On the other hand, by Simson lines, these two feet are also collinear with the foot from E to ¯BD, hence this foot is just M, so E is the midpoint of arc BCD. Then ∠FCE=∠GCE, so CF=CG and thus ∠GFC=∠FGC⟹∠GAB=∠FAD, which finishes the problem. ◼ EDIT: bro ive done this problem before too whatttttttttttt
22.10.2023 20:54
had to get hint ;-; my brain Just draw Simson line of E to BCD, which passes through midpoint of BD. So E is arc midpoint, finish since △ECF∼△EBD∼△EGC
16.05.2024 17:33
I have absolutely no clue how I even conjured this solution. We start with a key claim: Claim: Let XYZ be a triangle, and let P and Q be on lines XY and XZ such that PQ∥YZ. Let R be on YZ such that YPQR is a parallelogram. Then regardless of the position of points P and Q, the circumcircle of △YPR will pass through a fixed point other than Y. Proof: It suffices to show that all circles of this type share a radical axis. To do so, we will use barycentric coordinates with △XYZ as the reference triangle. Let X=(1,0,0),Y=(0,1,0), and Z=(0,0,1). Also let P=(1−λ,λ,0) and Q=(1−λ,0,λ), where λ is an arbitrary real number, so that P−Q=λ(0,1,−1)=λ⋅(Y−Z) and therefore PQ∥YZ. Then R=Q+Y−P=(0,1−λ,λ). Now we find the circumcircle of △YPR. A point (x,y,z) on this circle must satisfy an equation of the form a2yz+b2zx+c2xy=ux+vy+wz,where a=YZ,b=ZX, and c=XY. Plugging in Y=(0,1,0) gives v=0, so a2yz+b2zx+c2xy=ux+wz.Plugging in P=(1−λ,λ,0) gives u(1−λ)=c2λ(1−λ), so u=c2λ. Similarly, plugging in R=(0,1−λ,λ) gives wλ=a2λ(1−λ), so w=a2(1−λ). Therefore, our circumcircle is a2yz+b2zx+c2xy=c2λx+a2(1−λ)z.If we let λ1 and λ2 be two distinct real values of λ, then the radical axis of the two corresponding circles is given by (c2λ1−c2λ2)x+(a2(1−λ1)−a2(1−λ2))z=0.Dividing both sides by λ1−λ2 gives c2x−a2z=0, which is clearly fixed. This concludes our (lengthy) proof of the claim. Now apply the claim with (X,Y,Z,P,Q,R)=(G,C,F,B,A,D). Since E is the circumcenter of GCF, it has no relevance to B,A, or D, so E is the fixed point as shown to exist by the claim. Taking λ to be arbitrarily close to 0, we discover that (FEC) is tangent to CG. Hence ∡GCF=∡CEF=2∡CGF. However, by sum of angles in a triangle, ∡GCF=∡CGF+∡GFC, so ∡CGF=∡GFC. Since CF∥AB and DA∥CG, we get ∡CGF=∡DAF and ∡GFC=∡FAB. Thus ∡DAF=∡FAB, and we conclude. Ok reading the solutions above there is a Simson line??????
24.05.2024 21:20
Different and short solution Assume that,the angle bisector of ∠DAB∩CD=G and ∠DAB∩BC=F call triangle CGF's center E we will prove BCED cyclic.Let,∠DAG=∠GAB=∠AGD=∠CGF=∠CFG=α from Ptolemy's sine lemma that is equivalent to show CEsin(2α)+CBsin(90−α)=CDsin(90+α).We know AD=DG=BC=x and GC=CF=y ,we also know AB=BF.Sine Thrm to △CEG ⟹ CEsin(2α)=ysin(90−α).So, sin(90−α)(x+y)=CDsin(90+α)=(x+y)sin(90+α) which is indeed true.
13.08.2024 09:47
Magical solution, needed a pointer to look at Simson Lines. Let M and N denote the midpoints of GC and FC. Now, let P=¯AC∩¯MN. By the Midpoint Theorem, it follows that P is the midpoint of AC. Since diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other, it also follows that P is the midpoint of BD. But now, consider the Simson Line of E with respect to △PCD. Clearly the feet of the perpendicular from E to GC and FC and M and N and thus, EP⊥BD. But note that this means ¯EP is in fact the perpendicular bisector of segment BD, which implies that EB=ED. Thus, ∡BAD=∡DCB=∡DEB=2∡DBE=2∡FCE=∡FEC=2∡FGC=2∡FADwhich indeed implies that ℓ is the internal ∠BAD−bisector.
20.08.2024 17:46
denote the perpendiculars from E to BC, CD, and BD as P1, P2, and P3 respectively, and they are collinear by simson line it is easy to tell that P1 is the midpoint of CG and P2 is the midpoint of CF, so P1P2P3 is parallel to AFG so P3 is the midpoint of BD and AC DBE=DCE since BCDE is cyclic, and GCE=BDE also since BCDE is cyclic thus FCE=GCE and we can prove CE is perpendicular to FG and P1P2 thus, CP1=CP2, and angle chasing gives BAG=DAG=CP1P2 thus, ℓ is the bisector of angle DAB
02.12.2024 22:44
Let ℓ′ be the image of ℓ under a homothety of factor 12 centered at C. Simson's theorem on E WRT (BCD) tells us that the foot from E to ¯BD lies on ℓ′. But the intersection of ℓ′ with ¯BD is always the midpoint of ¯BD, so E is one of the arc midpoints. This determines ℓ, as desired.