
Source: Vietnam MO 2nd day 3rd problem (last problem)

Tags: geometry

Acute scalene triangle $ABC$ has $G$ as its centroid and $O$ as its circumcenter. Let $H_a,\, H_b,\, H_c$ be the projections of $A,\, B,\, C$ on respective opposite sides and $D,\, E,\, F$ be the midpoints of $BC,\, CA,\, AB$ in that order. $\overrightarrow{GH_a},\, \overrightarrow{GH_b},\, \overrightarrow{GH_c}$ intersect $(O)$ at $X,\,Y,\,Z$ respectively. a. Prove that the circle $(XCE)$ pass through the midpoint of $BH_a$ b. Let $M,\, N,\, P$ be the midpoints of $AX,\, BY,\, CZ$ respectively. Prove that $\overleftrightarrow{DM},\, \overleftrightarrow{EN},\,\overleftrightarrow{FP}$ are concurrent.