There is secret society with $2011$ members. Every member has bank account with integer balance ( can be negative). Sometimes some member give one dollar to every his friend. It is known, that after some such moves members can redistribute their money arbitrarily. Prove, that there are exactly $2010$ pairs of friends.
Source: St Petersburg Olympiad 2011, Grade 11, P7
Tags: combinatorics
15.09.2017 12:16
While this solution is overkill, it made me happy. Construct a graph $G$ with members as vertices and edges iff people are friends. WLOG we assume that each person initially has 0 dollars. For each person $k = 1, \dots, 2011$, construct a vector $v_k \in \mathbb{Z}^{2011}$ describing the money change when person $k$ makes a move and also set $u_k = -v_k$. It is clear that $v_1 + \dots + v_{2011} = 0$. Then, the possible distributions are given by integer combinations of $v_1, \dots, v_{2011}$; i.e. \[a_1 v_1 + \dots + a_{2011} v_{2011}\]for $a_1, \dots, a_{2011} \in \mathbb{Z}$. If the problem condition holds, the set of such vectors must be $S = \{(x_1, \dots, x_{2011}) \in \mathbb{Z}^{2011} \mid x_1 + \dots + x_{2011} = 0\}$, and thus $v_1, \dots, v_{2011}$ must generate a subspace of dimension $\ge 2010$. However, since $v_1 + \dots + v_{2011} = 0$, the dimension must be $< 2011$, so it is exactly $2010$. This means the map $\mathbb{Z}^{2011} \to S$ given by \[(a_1, \dots, a_{2011}) \to a_1v_1 + \dots + a_{2011}v_{2011}\]is bijective. As a consequence, the map $\mathbb{Z}^{2010} \to S$ given by \[(a_1, \dots, a_{2010}) \to a_1v_1 + \dots + a_{2011}v_{2011} \quad \text{where} \; a_{2011} = -a_1 - \dots - a_{2010}\]is bijective too. Let $A = \begin{pmatrix} u_1 \\ \vdots \\ u_{2011} \\ \end{pmatrix}$. This is the Laplacian matrix for $G$, and by Kirchhoff's theorem, the determinant of the matrix $A'$ obtained by deleting the final row/column from $A$ is the number of spanning trees of $G$. However, as a consequence of the bijectivity from above, $|\det A'| = \pm 1$, so $G$ has exactly one spanning tree. Thus $G$ is a tree itself, finishing the proof. Similarly, in general, given a connected $G$ with $t$ spanning trees, the density of money distributions that can be achieved is $\tfrac{1}{t}$.
15.09.2017 14:55
I know that the above works, but can one directly ascribe a dimension to a submodule (as opposed to subspace)?
13.02.2018 09:56
Why $| \det A' |=1 $ ?
13.02.2018 14:48
Anyone ???
14.02.2018 05:55
A "linear map" from $\mathbb Z^n$ to itself is well-known to be bijective iff its determinant is $\pm 1$. In particular, if such a map did not have a determinant of $1$, there would be a prime $p$ (specifically one diving the determinant) such that the mod-$p$ reduction of said map would not be a bijection from $\mathbb F_p^n$ to itself, an obvious contradiction.
14.02.2018 08:16
I do not undersrand... “Determinant of linear map”? How is that possbile? Who are the rows and columns ? Come on, guys, this is how the olympiad solutions are written?
14.02.2018 08:51
Think, for example, in $\mathbb{Z}^2$. Let's think of a linear map $(x, y) \rightarrow (ax+by, cx+dy)$. The determinant of this map is trivially $ad-bc$. For this map to be bijective, $|ad-bc|$ must equal to $1$. Otherwise, take a prime $p$ dividing this determinant. Look at this map in $\pmod {p}$. This map cannot be injective as $p|ad-bc$. So this map cannot be injective in $\mathbb{Z}^2$.
14.02.2018 09:38
But why bijective in Z^2 implies bijective in (Z/pZ)^2 for every prime p ?surjectivity follows, but how to prove injectivity ?
14.02.2018 10:00
Function on N to N is injective but not injective in N/2N: f(4k)=4k+1,f(4k+1)=4k,f(4k+2)=4k+2,f(4k+3)=4k+3.
14.02.2018 10:37
I think the argument is wrong...
14.02.2018 14:33
dragonx111 wrote: Function on N to N is injective but not injective in N/2N: f(4k)=4k+1,f(4k+1)=4k,f(4k+2)=4k+2,f(4k+3)=4k+3. Quote: linear
14.02.2018 14:48
meaning ? oh i see that my function is not linear but i still do not get the following: Literally, I see that if I have a bijective linear map from $\mathbb Z^n$ to itself, then it must be bijective in $\mathbb Z _p^n$ as well. Why ?
14.02.2018 14:56
The technically best definition would probably be along the lines of "morphism of $\mathbb Z$-modules from $\mathbb Z^n$ to $\mathbb Z^n$", although this coincides with the more useful definition "linear map (aka morphism of vector spaces) from $\mathbb Q^n\to \mathbb Q^n$ for which a basis is pre-chosen, and under which the set of vectors with integer coordinates maps into itself." To answer the question, $\mathbb F_p^n$ is finite, so any map from it to itself is surjective iff it is injective iff it is bijective.
14.02.2018 14:57
But i rkm0959 post, i do not see how he gets at p| ad bc implies noninjectivity. I am 16 and I am not aware of that higher algebra. A more elementary explanation
14.02.2018 15:00
Probably not The idea is that if the determinant is zero over $\mathbb F_p$, then the kernel is nontrivial, violating injectivity. Edit: For what it's worth, Evan Chen's Napkin contains a fairly approachable exposition of linear algebra.
14.02.2018 15:01
okay, thank you. EDIT: since yesterday(8.56 am) to today(3.44 pm), there's been an increment of at least 500 in the number of views of this thread.
24.03.2018 19:42
CantonMathGuy wrote: Let $A = \begin{pmatrix} u_1 \\ \vdots \\ u_{2011} \\ \end{pmatrix}$. This is the Laplacian matrix for $G$, and by Kirchhoff's theorem, the determinant of the matrix $A'$ obtained by deleting the final row/column from $A$ is the number of spanning trees of $G$. Back to the problem. Kirchoff theorem applies for connected graphs only. How do we know that $G$ is connected ? If $G$ is connected, why is it connected ? NB If $G$ is not connected, it can be formed by a $K_{n-1}$ and an isolated vertex. And there are many other examples.
15.08.2018 13:27
@dragonx 111 We can prove that the graph is connected. Use the condition about redistributing.
25.05.2019 00:24
17.11.2020 14:07
dragonx111 wrote: Back to the problem. Kirchoff theorem applies for connected graphs only. How do we know that $G$ is connected ? If $G$ is connected, why is it connected ? NB If $G$ is not connected, it can be formed by a $K_{n-1}$ and an isolated vertex. And there are many other examples. Suppose $G$ is not connected, then suppose it has two components $G_1$ and $G_2$. Suppose at the start the sum of balances in the two components are $s_1$ and $s_2$. Then obviously $s_1$ and $s_2$ are invariant under the moves, which violates the condition that any configuration is achievable.