We have six pairwise non-intersecting circles that the radius of each is at least one (no circle lies in the interior of any other circle). Prove that the radius of any circle intersecting all the six circles, is at least one. Proposed by Mohammad Ali Abam - Morteza Saghafian
Source: 4th Iranian Geometry Olympiad (Advanced) P2
Tags: IGO, geometry
24.09.2017 21:06
Denote the center of six circles by $O_i$ and their radii by $r_i$ where $i\in \{ 1,2,...,6\}$. Let $O$ and $r$ be the center and radius of the circle intersecting all six circles. Consider angle formed by rays $\overrightarrow{OO_i}$ where $i\in \{ 1,2,...,6\}$. Suppose that $r<1$. Not hard to show that there exist $i,j\in \{ 1,2,...,6\}$ that $i\neq j$ and $\angle{O_iOO_j}\leq 60^{\circ}$. Law of cosine gives us $O_iO_j^2=OO_i^2+OO_j^2-2\times OO_i\times OO_j\times \cos( \angle{O_iOO_j})\leq OO_i^2+OO_j^2-OO_i\times OO_j$. WLOG $OO_i\geq OO_j$, we get $OO_i\times OO_j\geq OO_j^2\Rightarrow 0\geq OO_j^2-OO_i\times OO_j$. But we also have $O_iO_j>r_i+r_j\geq r_i+1>r_i+r\geq OO_i$, so $O_iO_j^2> OO_i^2$. Hence $O_iO_j^2> OO_i^2+OO_j^2-OO_i\times OO_j$, contradiction. So $r\geq 1$, done.
05.09.2018 10:44
Same notation as ThE-dArK-lOrD used, but more synthetic argument: After showing that there exists such $\angle O_iOO_j \le 60^\circ$ we could say that then (WLOG) $r+r_i \ge OO_i \ge O_iO_j > r_i+r_j$, which implies $r > r_j \ge 1\square$
25.09.2023 17:15
Isn't this problem flavour/main argument suspiciously similar to IMO Shortlist 2020 G4? (EDIT: I just saw this has been mentioned in the early posts in the IMO SL thread)