There's a tape with $n^2$ cells labeled by $1,2,\ldots,n^2$. Suppose that $x,y$ are two distinct positive integers less than or equal to $n$. We want to color the cells of the tape such that any two cells with label difference of $x$ or $y$ have different colors. Find the minimum number of colors needed to do so.
Source: 2017 Iran MO 3rd round, first combinatorics exam P1
Tags: Iran, combinatorics
13.09.2017 20:17
Does anyone have a solution? Also what is the difficulty of IRAN 3rd round is assumed to be?(Is it IRAN TST level ,IMO level or something else?) Thanks!!!
14.09.2017 06:02
In my opinion, Iran 3rd round is much easier than IMO (maybe a bit harder than USAJMO).
14.09.2017 16:20
Similar to this
14.09.2017 16:35
Are $x,y$ given integers? Or are they arbitrarily chosen?
14.09.2017 18:27
lminsl wrote: Are $x,y$ given integers? Or are they arbitrarily chosen? The final answer depends on the values of $x,y$.
15.09.2017 15:46
tenplusten wrote: Does anyone have a solution? Also what is the difficulty of IRAN 3rd round is assumed to be?(Is it IRAN TST level ,IMO level or something else?) Thanks!!! that is so easy
06.01.2018 20:52
Thanks below,the answer should be: if $v_2(x)=v_2(y)$,then the minimalist is 2, otherwise the answer is 3.
10.01.2018 01:13
liekkas wrote: WLOG $x < y$, then the answer is $3$ when $y=(2k+1)x < n^2$, where $k$ is an integer, and $2$ otherwise. Take n=3, and x=2, y=3, you'll find a contradiction.
10.01.2018 16:25
omarius wrote: Take n=3, and x=2, y=2 x,y must be distinct.
10.03.2018 11:22
Clearly we require at least $2$ colours. If $v_2(x)=v_2(y)=k$ then we write $x=2^k \cdot x',y=2^k \cdot y'$. We colour the tape alternating $\text{red, blue}$ in blocks of $2^k$. Assume for contradiction two $\text{red}$ squares are separated by distance $x$ as they occur in blocks of $2^k$ considering $\pmod{2^k}$ the squares must have the same residue but then the blocks are separated by even multiples of $2^k$ meaning $2 \cdot 2^k=2^{k+1} \vert x$ which is a contradiction. We can do the same for $y$ so this works. If $k=v_2(x) <v_2(y)$ then if we only have $2$ colours consider label $1+\frac{xy}{2^k}$ this differs from label $1$ by an even multiple of $x$ but an odd multiple of $y$ and as the colouring must alternate this yields a contradiction. Now we piecewise construct the colouring going from labels $1,2,\cdots$. At each point we cannot choose at most $2$ colours so we can always choose an allowed colour. This ensures the colouring is valid.
28.07.2022 10:17
Case $1 : x,y$ are odd. For every cell $t$ if $t \equiv 0$ $(mod 2)$ color it $A$ and else color it $B$ and it clearly works. Case $2 : v_2(x) = v_2(y) = k$. Let $S_t$ be set of numbers which for every $a \in S_t$ we have $a \equiv t$ $(mod 2^k)$. Note that $\frac{x}{2^k}$ and $\frac{y}{2^k}$ are odd so in each set we color them same as last case. Case $3 : v_2(x) \neq v_2(y)$. Let $M = lcd(x,y)$ Note that since $M \le xy \le n(n-1)$, number $M +1$ exists and Note that $v_2(\frac{M}{x}) \neq v_2(\frac{M}{y})$ so by parity we can't use only $2$ colors but $3$ is ok since for every cell $t$ in tape, we have $3$ color options which at most $2$ of them are not available.