
Source: 1st International Mathematical Olympic Revenge

Tags: IMOR, geometry

Let $ABC$ be a triangle, and let $P$ be a distinct point on the plane. Moreover, let $A'B'C'$ be a homothety of $ABC$ with ratio $2$ and center $P$, and let $O$ and $O'$ be the circumcenters of $ABC$ and $A'B'C'$, respectively. The circumcircles of $AB'C'$, $A'BC'$, and $A'B'C$ meet at points $X$, $Y$, and $Z$, different from $A'$, $B'$, and $C'$. In a similar way, the circumcircles of $A'BC$, $AB'C$, and $ABC'$ meet at $X'$, $Y'$, and $Z'$, different from $A$, $B$, $C$. Let $W$ and $W'$ be the circumcenters of $XYZ$ and $X'Y'Z'$, respectively. Prove that $OW$ is parallel to $O'W'$. Proposed by Mateus Thimóteo, Brazil.