
Source: 2016 IMO Shortlist G3

Tags: geometry, IMO Shortlist

Let $B = (-1, 0)$ and $C = (1, 0)$ be fixed points on the coordinate plane. A nonempty, bounded subset $S$ of the plane is said to be nice if $\text{(i)}$ there is a point $T$ in $S$ such that for every point $Q$ in $S$, the segment $TQ$ lies entirely in $S$; and $\text{(ii)}$ for any triangle $P_1P_2P_3$, there exists a unique point $A$ in $S$ and a permutation $\sigma$ of the indices $\{1, 2, 3\}$ for which triangles $ABC$ and $P_{\sigma(1)}P_{\sigma(2)}P_{\sigma(3)}$ are similar. Prove that there exist two distinct nice subsets $S$ and $S'$ of the set $\{(x, y) : x \geq 0, y \geq 0\}$ such that if $A \in S$ and $A' \in S'$ are the unique choices of points in $\text{(ii)}$, then the product $BA \cdot BA'$ is a constant independent of the triangle $P_1P_2P_3$.