
Source: USA TSTST 2017 Problem 2, by Kevin Sun

Tags: combinatorics, TSTST 2017, otis, USA, USA TSTST, combinatorics solved, Sequence

Ana and Banana are playing a game. First Ana picks a word, which is defined to be a nonempty sequence of capital English letters. (The word does not need to be a valid English word.) Then Banana picks a nonnegative integer $k$ and challenges Ana to supply a word with exactly $k$ subsequences which are equal to Ana's word. Ana wins if she is able to supply such a word, otherwise she loses. For example, if Ana picks the word "TST", and Banana chooses $k=4$, then Ana can supply the word "TSTST" which has 4 subsequences which are equal to Ana's word. Which words can Ana pick so that she wins no matter what value of $k$ Banana chooses? (The subsequences of a string of length $n$ are the $2^n$ strings which are formed by deleting some of its characters, possibly all or none, while preserving the order of the remaining characters.) Proposed by Kevin Sun