
Source: OMCC 2017

Tags: OMCC, OMCC 2017, CENTRO, Game Theory, algebra, polynomial, combinatorics

Susana and Brenda play a game writing polynomials on the board. Susana starts and they play taking turns. 1) On the preparatory turn (turn 0), Susana choose a positive integer $n_0$ and writes the polynomial $P_0(x)=n_0$. 2) On turn 1, Brenda choose a positive integer $n_1$, different from $n_0$, and either writes the polynomial $$P_1(x)=n_1x+P_0(x) \textup{ or } P_1(x)=n_1x-P_0(x)$$ 3) In general, on turn $k$, the respective player chooses an integer $n_k$, different from $n_0, n_1, \ldots, n_{k-1}$, and either writes the polynomial $$P_k(x)=n_kx^k+P_{k-1}(x) \textup{ or } P_k(x)=n_kx^k-P_{k-1}(x)$$ The first player to write a polynomial with at least one whole whole number root wins. Find and describe a winning strategy.