Let $ABCD$ be a convex quadrilateral such that the circle with diameter $AB$ touches the line $CD$. Prove that that the circle with diameter $CD$ touches the line $AB$ if and only if $BC$ and $AD$ are parallel.
Source: Germany 2015, Problem 5
Tags: geometry, geometry proposed, tangent circles, parallel, Germany
05.05.2017 19:20
If $AB$ and $CD$ are parallel, then obvious. So, let $AB$ and $CD$ intersect in $G$, first circle with center $E$ touch $CD$ in $I$, second with center $F$ touch $AB$ in $H$. Then $\sin{\angle BGC} = \frac{HF}{FC+CG}=\frac{EI}{EB+BG} \to \frac{HF}{CG}=\frac{EI}{BG}$ $\frac{AG}{GD}=\frac{2EI+BG}{2HF+CG}=\frac{BG}{CG}$ so $BC$ and $AD$ are parallel. Let $BC$ and $AD$ are parallel, and $H`$ on $AB$ such that $H`F$ perpendicular to $AB$ Easy to prove, that $ \frac{EI}{H`F}=\frac{BG}{CG}=\frac{AG}{GD}=\frac{2EI+BG}{2CF+CG} \to H`F=CF$

06.05.2017 14:22
Dear Mathlinkers, already posted https://artofproblemsolving.com/community/c6h60795p366610 Sincerely Jean-Louis
02.06.2018 15:27
Dear Mathlinkers, see also http://jl.ayme.pagesperso-orange.fr/Docs/Geometrie%20enfin%20libre%201.pdf p. 9-10. Sincerely Jean-Louis
26.06.2019 10:23
It was also Poland 2018 second stage P4