
Source: 2017 Taiwan TST Round 3, Test 1, Problem 3

Tags: geometry, geometry proposed

Given a $ \triangle ABC $ with circumcircle $ \Gamma. $ Let $ A' $ be the antipode of $ A $ in $ \Gamma $ and $ D $ be the point s.t. $ \triangle BCD $ is an equilateral triangle ($ A $ and $ D $ are on the opposite side of $ BC $). Let the perpendicular from $ A' $ to $ A'D $ cuts $ CA, $ $ AB $ at $ E, $ $ F, $ resp. and $ T $ be the point s.t. $ \triangle ETF $ is an isosceles triangle with base $ EF $ and base angle $ 30^{\circ} $ ($ A $ and $ T $ are on the opposite side of $ EF $). Prove that $ AT $ passes through the 9-point center of $ \triangle ABC. $ Proposed by Telv Cohl