
Source: 2017 Iran TST second exam day2 p4

Tags: algebra, polynomial, Iran, Iranian TST, function

A $n+1$-tuple $\left(h_1,h_2, \cdots, h_{n+1}\right)$ where $h_i\left(x_1,x_2, \cdots , x_n\right)$ are $n$ variable polynomials with real coefficients is called good if the following condition holds: For any $n$ functions $f_1,f_2, \cdots ,f_n : \mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ if for all $1 \le i \le n+1$, $P_i(x)=h_i \left(f_1(x),f_2(x), \cdots, f_n(x) \right)$ is a polynomial with variable $x$, then $f_1(x),f_2(x), \cdots, f_n(x)$ are polynomials. $a)$ Prove that for all positive integers $n$, there exists a good $n+1$-tuple $\left(h_1,h_2, \cdots, h_{n+1}\right)$ such that the degree of all $h_i$ is more than $1$. $b)$ Prove that there doesn't exist any integer $n>1$ that for which there is a good $n+1$-tuple $\left(h_1,h_2, \cdots, h_{n+1}\right)$ such that all $h_i$ are symmetric polynomials. Proposed by Alireza Shavali