Let $n\geq1$ be an integer and let $t_1<t_2<\dots<t_n$ be positive integers. In a group of $t_n+1$ people, some games of chess are played. Two people can play each other at most once. Prove that it is possible for the following two conditions to hold at the same time: (i) The number of games played by each person is one of $t_1,t_2,\dots,t_n$. (ii) For every $i$ with $1\leq i\leq n$, there is someone who has played exactly $t_i$ games of chess.
Source: EGMO 2017 P4
Tags: combinatorics, graph theory, vertex degree, EGMO, EGMO 2017
09.04.2017 15:15
Equivalently, you want a simple graph $G$ on $t_n+1$ vertices such that all degrees are in the set $\{t_1, \dots, t_n\}$ and each degree appears at least once. By induction on $n$. If $n = 1$, take a clique on $t_1+1$ vertices. For $n=2$, take a clique on $t_1$ vertices and an empty graph on $t_2 + 1 - t_1$ vertices, and join them all together. For the inductive step, take an example for the $(n-2)$ tuple $(t_2-t_1, \dots, t_{n-1}-t_1)$. Then add in $t_n - t_{n-1}$ isolated vertices. Finally add in $t_1$ universal vertices.
09.04.2017 15:17
We'll prove the claim by induction on $n$. Consider the graph $G$ of people, such that there is an edge between two people if and only if they played chess together. For the base case $n=1$, take a clique of $t_1+1$ people. Now assume that the result is true for $n$ and we'll prove that for $n+1$. Start with empty graph $G$ of $t_{n+1}+1$ vertices. Choose a set $S$ of $t_1$ vertices and a set $T$ of $t_{n+1}-t_n$ vertices and disjoint to $S$. The set $G\setminus(S\cup T)$ contains $t_n-t_1+1$ vertices, so we can apply the induction hypothesis for $t_2-t_1,\dots,t_n-t_1$ in $G\setminus(S\cup T)$. Choose the vertices of $S$ to be connected to all other vertices in $G$. The new graph satisfies the required conditions.
09.04.2017 16:29
A small nitpick in the above solution. math90 wrote: Start with empty graph $G$ of $n+1$ vertices. Chosse a set $S$ of $t_1$ vertices. The set $G\setminus S$ contains $t_{n+1}-t_1+1$ vertices, so we can apply the induction hypothesis for $t_2-t_1,\dots,t_{n+1}-t_1$ in $G\setminus S$. Choose the vertices $S$ to be connected to all other vertices in $G$. The new graph satisfies the required conditions. Small typo: I think you mean that $G$ has $t_{n+1}+1$ vertices. Slightly bigger issue: condition (ii) is violated, as none of the vertices in your construction have degree $t_1$.
09.04.2017 16:46
Induct on $t_n$. For $t_n = 1$ we have two vertices, just connect them. Now choose an arbitrary vertex $v$ and connect it to all other vertices. Then all of the $t_n$ vertices in $G \setminus v$ must have degrees $t_1 - 1, t_2 - 1, \dots, t_n - 1$ amongst them, with each degree except possibly $t_n - 1$ appearing at least once. If $t_1 \neq 1$ we're done by the induction hypothesis. Otherwise if $t_1 = 1$, choose a set $S$ of $t_n - t_{n - 1} \geq 1$ vertices to be isolated. If $n = 2$ then by making the final vertex an isolated vertex in $G \setminus v$ we are done. Otherwise there are $t_{n - 1}$ vertices in $G \setminus (S \cup v)$ and we want them to have degrees $t_2 - 1, t_3 - 1, \dots, t_{n - 1} - 1$ amongst themselves, with each appearing at least once. This is possible by the induction hypothesis.
09.04.2017 20:56
A non-inductive construction: Let $m=\left\lceil\frac n2\right\rceil$. Split the people into groups $G_1, G_2, G_3, \ldots, G_{m-1}, G_m, G_{m+1}, \ldots, G_n$ of size $t_1, t_2-t_1, t_3-t_2,\ldots, t_{m-1}-t_{m-2}, t_m-t_{m-1}+1, t_{m+1}-t_m, \ldots, t_n-t_{n-1}$ respectively. For $k<m$, make $G_k$ a clique, and make a complete bipartite graph between $G_k$ and $G_{n+1-i}$ for all $i\ge k$. If $n$ is odd, also make $G_m$ a clique. Then, it is easy to see that every vertex in $G_k$ has degree $t_{n+1-k}$, as desired.
31.08.2018 08:46
Wow, my solution happens to be identical to that of v_Enhance. Oh well, here it is: We wish to construct a graph $G$ all of whose degrees are in the set $\{t_1<\cdots<t_n\}$ (with each degree hit at least once) and with $t_n+1$ vertices. We proceed by induction on $n$. The join of graphs $A$ and $B$ is the disjoint union of $A$ and $B$, along with all possible edges that connect $A$ and $B$. We claim the problem is true for $n=1$ and $n=2$. For $n=1$, simply consider $K_{t_1+1}$. For $n=2$, the join of $K_{t_1}$ with $t_2-t_1+1$ disjoint vertices works. Now suppose the problem is true for $n-2$. We show it is true for $n$. Let $H$ be the graph for the sequence $t_2-t_1<t_3-t_1<\cdots<t_{n-1}-t_1$. Let $H'$ be $H$ disjoint union with $t_n-t_{n-1}$ vertices. Now, let $G$ be the join of $H'$ with $K_{t_1}$. We see that $G$ works, thus completing the induction, and so the entire problem.
23.03.2020 02:05
Here is an algorithm that constructs the graph. (Basically inductive/recursive method) Base cases $(n=1, 2)$ are trivial. Let $\{a_1 < a_2 < \cdots < a_m | b\}$ denote the problem with the list $a_i$ and $b$ vertices. Given the list $t_1 < t_2 < \cdots < t_n,$ start with a graph with $t_n+1$ vertices and no edges. first take $t_1$ vertices, and for each of them, form an edge between them and everyone else. Now, each of these $t_1$ vertices have degree $t_n,$ and each of the $t_n + 1 - t_1$ remaining vertices have degree $t_1.$ Set these $t_1$ vertices aside, along with one of the other vertices. There are now $t_n - t_1$ vertices remaining, and each currently has degree $t_1.$ We already have vertices with degrees $t_n$ and $t_1$ so we may remove them from our list. Every other element in the list is decreased by $t_1,$ as all of remaining $t_n - t_1$ vertices already have degree $t_1.$ Our list has been reduced from $\{t_1 < t_2 < \cdots < t_{n-1} < t_n | t_n + 1\}$ to $\{t_2-t_1 < \cdots < t_{n-1} - t_1 | t_n - t_1\}.$ However, $t_n - t_1$ may be greater than $t_{n-1}-t_1 + 1,$ in which case we set aside an additional $t_n - t_{n-1} - 1$ vertices, all of which will have degree $t_1$ in the final configuration. After setting aside all of these vertices, we are left with the remaining $t_{n-1}-t_1+1$ vertices, and the equivalent subproblem is now $\{t_2-t_1 < \cdots < t_{n-1} - t_1 | t_{n-1}-t_1 + 1\},$ and we recurse. (Inductive hypothesis)
13.08.2020 04:03
We want to construct a graph on $t_n+1$ vertices such at least one vertex has degree $t_i$ for each $i=1,\ldots,n$. We induct on $n$. For $n=2$, we can connect each vertex of a $K_{t_1}$ to each vertex of the graph of $t_2-t_1+1$ isolated vertices. Construct the graph $G$ (made of $t_{n-1}-t_1+1$ vertices) for the sequence $t_2-t_1<t_3-t_1<\cdots < t_{n-1}-t_1$. Connect every vertex of $G$ to each vertex of $K_{t_1}$. Now, there are vertices in $G$ present whose degrees are $t_2,t_3,\ldots,t_{n-1}$. The degrees of the vertices in the $K_{t_1}$ are currently $(t_{n-1}-t_1+1) + (t_1-1) = t_{n-1}$. We need a vertex of degree $t_1$ and a vertex of degree $t_{n}$. So add on $t_{n}-t_{n-1}$ isolated vertices, and connect each to each vertex of the $K_{t_1}$. Now the degrees of the vertices in the $K_{t_1}$ are $t_{n-1}+(t_n-t_{n-1}) = t_n$, and the degrees of the isolated vertices are $t_1$.
13.07.2021 19:53
We proceed with a double induction on $n$ and $t_n$. Induction on $n$: The base cases, $n=1$ and $n=2$ can be constructed by taking $K_{t_1+1}$ and adding $t_2-t_1+1$ universal vertices to $K_{t_1}$, respectively. For the inductive step, we wish to show that if $(t_1,t_2\ldots t_n)$ works for $n\ge 2$, then $(1,t_1+1,t_2+1\ldots t_n+1)$ also works. Begin with the construction for $(t_1,t_2\ldots t_{n-1})$, add in $t_n-t_{n-1}$ isolated vertices and one universal vertex. Induction on $t_n$: We wish to show that if $(t_1,t_2\ldots t_n)$ works for $n\ge 2$, then $(t_1+1,t_2+1\ldots t_n+1)$ also works. Begin with the construction for $(t_1,t_2\ldots t_n)$, and add in one universal vertex.
15.04.2022 06:01
Rephrase the problem in terms of graph theory in the natural way. Define a graph to be $(t_1,t_2,\dots,t_n)-\emph{good}$ if it satisfies the conditions in the problem statement for the tuple $(t_1,t_2,\dots,t_n)$. We proceed with strong induction on $n$. For the base case of $n = 1$, a complete graph on $t_1 + 1$ vertices is $(t_1)-\emph{good}$. For the induction step, suppose for some $k\ge 1$ that the problem statement holds for all $n\le k$, and fix a tuple $(t_1,t_2,\dots,t_{k+1})$. First, take $t_1$ vertices and connect each of them to all $t_{k+1}$ other vertices of the graph. If $k = 1$, we are already done. Otherwise, set aside $t_k - t_1 + 1$ of the $t_{k+1} - t_1 + 1$ vertices of degree $1$. By the inductive hypothesis, there exists a $(t_2-t_1, t_3-t_1, \dots, t_k-t_1)-\emph{good}$ graph on these vertices and we're done.
12.05.2023 21:17
Use induction on $n$. Base cases $n=0$(there's nothing to prove) and $n=1$($K_{t_1}$) are trivial. Now suppose that $n-2$ works. For $n$, select a set $S$ of $t_1$ people and connect everyone in $S$ to everyone else(including others in $S$). Then select another set $T$ of $t_n-t_{n-1}$ people that is disjoint from $S$ and don't connect them to anyone besides the people in $S$. We have reduced the problem to the same problem but with $t_2-t_1$, $t_3-t_1$, $\dots$, $t_{n-1}-t_1$, which is true by our inductive hypothesis. $\blacksquare$
29.06.2023 05:14
02.09.2023 21:52
This is fairly straightforward by induction. First, pick one vertex $v$, and assume that the conclusion is true for any $n-1$ variables $t_1, t_2, \dots, t_{n-1}$. Then, label $m = t_n - t_{n-1}$ vertices $v_1, v_2, \dots, v_m$, and let them all have degree $t_n$. Notice that upon connecting all the $v_i$ to each other and also to $v$, all the $v_i$ and $v$ itself will each still require $t_{n-1}$ edges. On the other hand, none of the degrees of the other vertices except for $v$ have changed, thus we can induct down. Furthermore, $v$ will end up having degree $t_n$, thus proving the result.
06.09.2023 16:17
Okay, my solution is same as #7, but I decided to post it Let $A_{1}, A_{2},\dots, A_{n}$ be disjoint subsets of $V$ such that for every $v \in A_{i}$, we have $\deg v = t_{i}$. For $1 \leq i \leq n$, if $i \neq \left\lceil \frac{n}{2} \right\rceil$ then $|A_{i}| = t_{n-i+1} - t_{n-i}$, if $i = \left\lceil \frac{n}{2} \right\rceil$, then $A_{i} = t_{n-i+1}-t_{n-i}+1$. For $A, B \in V$(not necessary distinct), $connect$ is operation that every $u \in A, v \in B$, if $u$ and $v$ are not adjacent, connect them. For $1 \leq i \leq n$, all $n + 1 - i \leq j \leq n$ connect $A_{i}, A_{j}$. Then our graph satisfies the problem condition, as desired.
01.01.2024 21:34
Firstly, we prove that $t_1 = 1$, $t_2 = 2, \ldots, t_n = n$ works. We proceed using induction with $n=1,2$ being clearly true. Now add in a vertex and draw an edge tot every vertex. So we end up with $2,3,\ldots,n,n+1,n+1$ degree vertices. Now add in another new vertex and draw an edge and one $\deg = n+1$ vertex. So we go from, \[(1,2,\ldots,n) \rightarrow (1,2,\ldots, n+1,n+2).\]We can do this for $n$ odd and even separately to prove the claim. Also, note that if a sequence $(t_1,t_2,\ldots,t_{n+1})$ works, then $(t_1+1, t_2 + 1, \ldots, t_n + 1)$ also works. To see how, just add in an extra vertex and draw an edge from that vertex to the other vertices in the graph we had for $(t_1,t_2,\ldots, t_n)$. Now, as we have $(1,\ldots, n)$ works, so $(1+(t_1-1), 2+(t_1-1),\ldots, n+(t_1-1))$ also works $\implies (t_1,t_1 + 1,\ldots, t_1 + n-1)$. Now add in another vertex and connect it to all vertices with $\deg = t_1 + 1,\ldots, t_1 + n$ and continue doing this until we reach $(t_1,t_2,t_2+1,\ldots,t_2 + n-2)$. Proceeding similarly, we can reach the case where we have $(t_1,t_2,\cdots,t_n)$ and we are done.
02.01.2024 05:39
Consider a graph such that it has such that it has subgraphs S1,S2,S3,...S_n-1 such that the degree of the vertices in S_i is equal to i-1. Now set t_n to sum of number of vertices. The t_n+1 person will be connected to each one and therefore our condition will be satisfied
08.04.2024 18:00
Induct on pair $(n, t_1+t_2+\ldots+t_n)$. Base: $n=0$ - empty graph works, $n=1$ - complete graph works. Assume we proved for $n=k$. Let's prove for $n=k+1$. Let one person play with everybody else, delete this person. Now the number of games are from $t_1-1, \ldots, t_n-1$ and we have $t_n$ players. If $t_1-1 > 0$, we are done(cause the sum of $t_i$ decreased). If $t_1=1$, then let $t_n-t_{n-1}$ people play nobody. Note that we already had a player with $t_n$ games, so we can remove $t_n-1$ from the list. So now we have $t_n-(t_n-t_{n-1})=t_{n-1}$ players left and numbers of games are in the list $t_2-1,t_3-1,\ldots,t_{n-1}-1$, hence we are done.
23.09.2024 01:10
We will obviously induct on $n$. For the base cases: $\bullet$ For $n=1$ take $K_{t_1+1}$. $\bullet$ For $n=2$ take $t_1$ of them have degree $t_2$ and so other $t_2+1-t_1$ have degree $t_1$. Assume this is true for $n=1$, $\dots$, $N-1$, we will prove this for $n=N$. Have $t_N+1$ vertices. Make sure $t_1$ of them have degree $t_N$, and this means the other $t_N+1-t_1$ have degree $t_1$. And now consider the induced subgraph with the the vertices with degree $t_N$ (and its incident edges) deleted. Now we have $t_N+1-t_1$ vertices left and we need to make sure that the degree set of them is exactly \[0<t_2-t_1<\dots<t_{N-1}-t_1\]Make sure that $t_N-t_{N-1}>0$ vertices have degree $0$ and then apply the induction argument on $n=N-2$.