
Source: 2017 FKMO Day 1 Problem 3

Tags: function, algebra

For a positive integer $n$, denote $c_n=2017^n$. A function $f: \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ satisfies the following two conditions. 1. For all positive integers $m, n$, $f(m+n) \le 2017 \cdot f(m) \cdot f(n+325)$. 2. For all positive integer $n$, we have $0<f(c_{n+1})<f(c_n)^{2017}$. Prove that there exists a sequence $a_1, a_2, \cdots $ which satisfies the following. For all $n, k$ which satisfies $a_k<n$, we have $f(n)^{c_k} < f(c_k)^n$.