
Source: Tournament of Town Fall 2015 Senior A-level

Tags: combinatorics, invariant

Several distinct real numbers are written on a blackboard. Peter wants to create an algebraic expression such that among its values there would be these and only these numbers. He may use any real numbers, brackets, signs $+, -, \times$ and a special sign $\pm$. Usage of $\pm$ is equivalent to usage of $+$ and $-$ in all possible combinations. For instance, the expression $5 \pm 1$ results in $\{4, 6\}$, while $(2 \pm 0.5) \pm 0.5$ results in $\{1, 2, 3\}$. Can Peter construct an expression if the numbers on the blackboard are : (a) $1, 2, 4$ ? ($2$ points) (b) any $100$ distinct real numbers ? ($6$ points)