
Source: 2017 Korea Winter Program Practice Test 1 Day 2 #3

Tags: geometry, TST

Let $\triangle ABC$ be a triangle with $\angle A \neq 60^\circ$. Let $I_B, I_C$ be the $B, C$-excenters of triangle $ABC$, let $B^\prime$ be the reflection of $B$ with respect to $AC$, and let $C^\prime$ be the reflection of $C$ with respect to $AB$. Let $P$ be the intersection of $I_C B^\prime$ and $I_B C^\prime$. Denote by $P_A, P_B, P_C$ the reflections of the point $P$ with respect to $BC, CA, AB$. Show that the three lines $A P_A, B P_B, C P_C$ meet at a single point.