
Source: IGO 2016,Advanced level,P1

Tags: geometry, geometry proposed

Let the circles $\omega$ and $\omega^ \prime$ intersect in $A$ and $B$. Tangent to circle$\omega$ at $A$ intersects$\omega^ \prime$ in $C$ and tangent to circle $\omega^ \prime$ at $A$ intersects $\omega$ in $D$. Suppose that $CD$ intersects$\omega$ and $\omega^ \prime$ in $E$ and $F$, respectively (assume that $E$ is between $F$ and $C$). The perpendicular to $AC$ from $E$ intersects $\omega^ \prime$ in point $P$ and perpendicular to $AD$ from $F$ intersects$\omega$ in point $Q$ (The points $A, P$ and $Q$ lie on the same side of the line $CD$). Prove that the points $A, P$ and $Q$ are collinear. Proposed by Mahdi Etesami Fard