For every $x$, $y$, $z>{3\over 2}$ prove the inequality $$ x^{24} + \root 5\of {y^{60}+z^{40}} \geq \left(x^4 y^3 + {1\over 3} y^2 z^2 + {1\over 9} x^3 z^3 \right)^2. $$
Source: Tuymaada 2016, P7, Seniors
Tags: inequalities, inequalities proposed
20.07.2016 06:20
rightways wrote: Prove that for positive reals $x,y,z$ the inequality $$x^{24}+\sqrt[5]{y^{60}+z^{40}} \ge (x^8y^3+\frac{1}{3}y^2z^2+\frac{1}{9}x^3z^3)^2$$ holds. It's obviously wrong! Try $x\rightarrow0^+$.
20.07.2016 14:38
rightways wrote: Prove that for positive reals $x,y,z$ the inequality $$x^{24}+\sqrt[5]{y^{60}+z^{40}} \ge (x^8y^3+\frac{1}{3}y^2z^2+\frac{1}{9}x^3z^3)^2$$ holds. Please correct the error. Thanks.
22.07.2016 12:02
22.07.2016 14:20
rightways wrote: For every $x$, $y$, $z>{3\over 2}$ prove the inequality $$x^{24} + \root 5\of {y^{60}+z^{40}} \geq \left(x^4 y^3 + {1\over 3} y^2 z^2 + {1\over 9} x^3 z^3 \right)^2. $$ Who is the author of this problem? Very very not beautiful problem Anyway, here is my (long) solution.
04.06.2020 20:02
This is the link to the official solutions for both days and both grades, which provides a shorter solution for the said inequality than the above (long) solution! Solution