Let $p \neq 13$ be a prime number of the form $8k+5$ such that $39$ is a quadratic non-residue modulo $p$. Prove that the equation $$x_1^4+x_2^4+x_3^4+x_4^4 \equiv 0 \pmod p$$has a solution in integers such that $p\nmid x_1x_2x_3x_4$.
Source: TST 3,day 1,P 3
Tags: number theory, prime numbers, modular arithmetic, Quadratic Residues
16.07.2016 11:31
MRF2017 wrote: $p \neq 13$ is a prime number in form $8k+5$ and we know that $39$ is nonresidue modulo $p$.Prove that the equation $x_1^4+x_2^4+x_3^4+x_4^4 \overset{p}{\equiv} 0$ has a solution in integers such that $p\nmid x_1x_2x_3x_4$.

10.01.2017 15:20
for63434 wrote: I'm sorry... But, WHY? It's just expanding
29.08.2018 08:55
04.01.2025 16:27
Okay I am going to overkill this by proving as long $p \geq 11$, we are fine. Let $T_k$ be the number of solutions to \[x_1^4+\dots+x_k^4=0\]in $\mathbb{F}_p$ where some $x_j$ may or may not be $0$. By PIE shenanigans we want to prove \[T_4-4T_3+6T_2-4T_1+T_0>0\]Figuring out $T_4$ Let $\chi_1$, $\dots$, $\chi_4$ be any Dirichlet characters for now. So see that \[T_4=\sum_{\chi_i^4=\varepsilon} J_0(\chi_1,\chi_2,\chi_3,\chi_4)\]where $J_0$ is the ``alternative" Jacobi Sum of those characters. See that the only relevant characters are $\varepsilon$, $L$, $\chi$ (which has orders $1$, $2$, $4$ respectively). And so by Orthogonality relations we have\begin{align*} T_4&=J_0(\varepsilon,\varepsilon,\varepsilon,\varepsilon)+J_0(L,L,L,L)+4J_0(\chi,L,L,L)+ 6J_0(\chi,\chi,L,L)+4J_0(\chi,\chi,\chi,L)+J_0(\chi,\chi,\chi,\chi) \end{align*}Noting that the only times the product of these characters is $\varepsilon$ is when all $4$ are either $L$ or $\chi$, we get that due to Orthogonality relations, the table in Page $7$ of this handout combined with Triangle inequality we get that \[T_4 \geq p^3-2(p-1)p\]Figuring out $T_3$ Doing the same thing as before we get that \begin{align*} T_3= J_0(\varepsilon,\varepsilon,\varepsilon)+J_0(L,L,L)+3J_0(\chi,L,L)+ 3J_0(\chi,\chi,L)+J_0(\chi,\chi,\chi) \end{align*}And again noting that the only time the product of their Dirichlet characters is $\varepsilon$ is when it is $(L,\chi,\chi)$ we get that due to triangle inequality and that same table that \[T_3 \leq p^2+3(p-1)\sqrt{p}\]Finishing And hence we get that \[T_4-4T_3+6T_2-4T_1+T_0 \geq p^3-2(p-1)p-4(p^2+3(p-1)\sqrt{p})-3>0 \iff p \geq 11\]since $p$ prime and we done.