
Source: German TSTST - #3

Tags: Game Theory, game, Integer, number theory, combinatorics

In the beginning there are $100$ integers in a row on the blackboard. Kain and Abel then play the following game: A move consists in Kain choosing a chain of consecutive numbers; the length of the chain can be any of the numbers $1,2,\dots,100$ and in particular it is allowed that Kain only chooses a single number. After Kain has chosen his chain of numbers, Abel has to decide whether he wants to add $1$ to each of the chosen numbers or instead subtract $1$ from of the numbers. After that the next move begins, and so on. If there are at least $98$ numbers on the blackboard that are divisible by $4$ after a move, then Kain has won. Prove that Kain can force a win in a finite number of moves.