
Source: 2016 Taiwan TST 1st IMO Mock P1

Tags: geometry

Let $AB$ be a chord on a circle $O$, $M$ be the midpoint of the smaller arc $AB$. From a point $C$ outside the circle $O$ draws two tangents to the circle $O$ at the points $S$ and $T$. Suppose $MS$ intersects with $AB$ at the point $E$, $MT$ intersects with $AB$ at the point $F$. From $E,F$ draw a line perpendicular to $AB$ that intersects with $OS,OT$ at the points $X,Y$, respectively. Draw another line from $C$ which intersects with the circle $O$ at the points $P$ and $Q$. Let $R$ be the intersection point of $MP$ and $AB$. Finally, let $Z$ be the circumcenter of triangle $PQR$. Prove that $X$,$Y$ and $Z$ are collinear.