Elmo is drawing with colored chalk on a sidewalk outside. He first marks a set $S$ of $n>1$ collinear points. Then, for every unordered pair of points $\{X,Y\}$ in $S$, Elmo draws the circle with diameter $XY$ so that each pair of circles which intersect at two distinct points are drawn in different colors. Count von Count then wishes to count the number of colors Elmo used. In terms of $n$, what is the minimum number of colors Elmo could have used? Michael Ren
Source: 2016 ELMO Problem 5
Tags: combinatorics
24.06.2016 17:50
1. Order the collinear points from left to right, and call them $P_1,P_2,\ldots,P_n$ in this order. 2. It is easy to see that the circles with diameters $P_aP_b$ and $P_cP_d$ with $a<b$ and $c<d$ intersect at two distinct points, if and only if (i) $a,b,c,d$ are four distinct integers and if (ii) the indices satisfy $a<c<b<d$ or $c<a<d<b$. In other words, the circles intersect at two distinct points, if and only if the two intervals $[a,b]$ and $[c,d]$ overlap with each other (that is, they have non-empty intersection, and neither contains the other one). 3. Hence the problem boils down to coloring a so-called proper interval graph (-> google). 4. As proper interval graphs are perfect graphs, their chromatic number coincides with their clique number. 5. As every interval in a clique consumes two new points $i$ and $j$, the maximum clique size is bounded by $k:=\lfloor n/2\rfloor$. Furthermore, the $k$ intervals $[1,k+1]$ and $[2,k+2]$ and $[3,k+3]$ and $\cdots$ and $[k,2k]$ form a clique. 6. This yields that the answer is $\lfloor n/2\rfloor$.
24.06.2016 18:33
Sorry if I'm wrong but shouldn't it be something like $\lfloor n^2/4 \rfloor$? Consider the intervals whose left border is to the left of $n/2$ and right border is to the right of $n/2$: there are $\lfloor n^2/4 \rfloor $ of them and all of them intersect, so the answer is at least that...? A simple greedy construction should suffice: say we have colored all segments which cross $P$ (i.e. left border is to the left of $P$ and right border is to the right of $P$). To color all segments which cross $P+1$, we remove all segments which end at $P$ and add those which start at $P+1$ and color the new intervals with distinct colors (possibly with those that have been removed at the last step); this way the set of intervals crossing $P$ have at most $P(n-P)$ distinct colors, which is maximized at $P = n/2$. EDIT: Ignore.
24.06.2016 18:43
AnonymousBunny wrote: Sorry if I'm wrong but shouldn't it be something like $\lfloor n^2/4 \rfloor$? Consider the intervals whose left border is to the left of $n/2$ and right border is to the right of $n/2$: there are $\lfloor n^2/4 \rfloor $ of them and all of them intersect, so the answer is at least that...? Nope. For example when $n=4$, and the points are ordered like $P_1P_2P_3P_4$ on the line, the circle with diameter $P_2P_3$ is completely inside the circle with diameter $P_1P_4$
24.06.2016 18:50
test20 wrote: 4. As proper interval graphs are perfect graphs, their chromatic number coincides with their clique number. 5. As every interval in a clique consumes two new points $i$ and $j$, the maximum clique size is bounded by $k:=\lfloor n/2\rfloor$. Furthermore, the $k$ intervals $[1,k+1]$ and $[2,k+2]$ and $[3,k+3]$ and $\cdots$ and $[k,2k]$ form a clique. 6. This yields that the answer is $\lfloor n/2\rfloor$. Erm, for $n=5$ we need $3$ colors. Assume the contrary, that it can be done with $2$ colors; blue and red. WLOG $[1,3]$ is colored red, then $[2,4]$ is colored blue, so $[3,5]$ is colored red. Then $[1,4]$ and $[2,5]$ are both blue. Contradiction.
24.06.2016 18:52
The odd case is easy, on similar lines of even case . So lets do it for the latter Let $n=2m$. We easily get that we need at leasr $m$ colours by looking at $(1,m+1),(2,m+2)...(m,2m)$ which form a $m$ clique. Now we give a construction for $m$ colours. Define sets $S_1={0,1}, S_2={2,3}.... S_m={2m-2,2m-1}$. Now give a circle $(x,y)$ the colour $c_i$ if $x+y(mod 2m)$ belongs to $S_i$. We claim that no two circles of same colour intersect at two pts.Indeed if $(a,b),(c,d)$ intersect with $a<c<b<d$ then $c+d-a-b$ will be strictly between $2,2m-2$ hence they are not of same colour. Done!!
24.06.2016 18:57
I'm not sure where the hole is in test20's argument, but I am also getting $\lceil n/2 \rceil$. For even $n$ this lower bound is obvious since it's the clique number. If $n = 2k+1$ and we try to do it in $k$ colors, then $P_1 P_{k+1}$ and $P_{k+1} P_{2k+1}$ must have the same color $R$ (all other $P_i P_{i+k}$ form the other $k-1$ colors), which then means none of $P_i P_{i+k+1}$ can be color $R$. But they form a $k$-clique, so this is a contradiction. For $n = 2k$, a construction (that I got sniped with) is to color $P_i P_j$ with color $\left\lfloor \frac{i+j}{2} \right\rfloor$ taken mod $k$, and $n = 2k-1$ can be constructed by just removing some of the circles from $n = 2k$.
24.06.2016 18:59
Aaargh. The hole is that the graphs are not "proper interval graphs" (which are perfect), but "interval overlap graphs" (which are not perfect graphs). http://www.graphclasses.org/classes/gc_913.html
24.06.2016 19:43
Initially I used a similar thought process as test20, but the problem reduces to a subgraph $S$ of an interval graph $G$. So we know that the chromatic number of $S$ is at most the clique number of $G$, which can be greater than the clique number of $S$ .
24.06.2016 21:20
25.06.2016 05:04
vsri56 wrote:
Oh my god I just had written "If n=2 or n=3 the answer is 1 which is trivial" But at the beginning and the end i had written "the answer is $\lfloor\frac{n+1}{2}\rfloor$"
19.07.2021 19:11
Here's a slightly different solution. Let $f(n)$ denote the answer. I claim that we have $f(n)=1$ if $n=3$ and $f(n)=\lceil n/2 \rceil$ otherwise. It is easy to verify that $f(2)=f(3)=1$. Henceforth we assume $n \geq 4$. First, order the points in $S$ from left to right, and call them $P_1,P_2,\ldots,P_n$. It is clear that the circles with diameters $P_aP_b$ and with diameters $P_cP_d$, with $a<b$ and $c<d$ intersect at two points if and only if $a<c<b<d$ or $c<a<d<b$, i.e. the intervals $(a,b)$ and $(c,d)$ intersect and one does not contain the other. Now I will prove the bound of $\lceil n/2\rceil$. To prove this, I claim that for every color, there are at most $2n-3$ circles with that color. Let $g(n)$ denote the maximum number of circles with one color, given $n$ points ($n>1$). First ignore $P_1P_n$, since we can always add that later. Now consider all circles of some color having a diameter $P_1P_k$, where $k \neq n$, and pick the one where $k$ is maximal. Then, any circle $P_aP_b$ either satisfies $a,b \in [1,k]$ or $a,b \in [k,n]$. In this case, the maximum number of circles we can draw is $g(k)+g(n-k+1)+1$. Thus we have that $g(n)$ is equal to the maximum of $g(k)+g(n-k+1)+1$ over all $k$, where we add $1$ back in to account for $P_1P_n$. Now we use strong induction to prove $g(n)=2n-3$, with the base case of $n=2$ being obvious. If $g(r)=2r-3$ for all $r<n$, then as $k,n-k+1<n$, we conclude that the maximum of $g(k)+g(n-k+1)+1$ over all $k$ is $2n-3$. Thus $g(n)=2n-3$. Since one can always add circles with diameter $P_1P_n$ or $P_aP_{a+1}$, it follows that there are at most $n-3$ circles which are not of those two forms in any color. As there are $\tbinom{n}{2}=\tfrac{n(n-1)}{2}$ circles in total, and $n$ of those are either of the form $P_1P_n$ or $P_aP_{a+1}$, there are $\tfrac{n(n-3)}{2}$ circles which are not of this form. Since we have to divide these circles amongst colors, each of which can only accomodate $n-3$of these circles, we need at least $\lceil n/2 \rceil$ colors, which is the desired bound. Now I will provide a construction. Since $f(n)$ is clearly nondecreasing, it suffices to verify that $f(2k)=k$ for integer $k$, where $k \geq 2$. Number the $k$ necessary colors $0,1,2,\ldots,n-1$. Now color the circle with diameter $P_aP_b$ with color $a$ if $b-a<n$ and with color $b$ if $b+a \geq n$. I'll leave it to the reader to verify that this works. Not because I'm lazy or anything. $\blacksquare$
04.09.2022 14:11
The question can be regarded as a complete graph and we should only focus on the intersection points and we can easily solve this question.
10.08.2023 05:59
The answer is $1$ if $n=3$, $\frac{n+1}{2}$ if $n$ is odd and $n>3$, $\frac{n}{2}$ if $n$ is even. Mark the points from left to right $P_1,\dots,P_n$. Denote by $\Gamma_{i,j}$ the circle with diameter $P_iP_j$, $1\leq i<j\leq n$. Two circles $\Gamma_{i,j}$ and $\Gamma_{i',j'}$ intersect at two distinct points if and only if $i<i'<j<j'$ or $i'<i<j'<j$. We first give the coloring with least colors used. For $n=2k$, color the circle $\Gamma_{i,j}$ with color $c_l$ iff $$i+j\equiv 2l-1 \quad \text{or} \quad 2l \pmod {2k}$$for $1\leq l\leq k$, $1\leq i<j\leq 2k$. This requires $k$ different colors. For $n=3$, just color all three circles with $c_1$. For $n=2k+1$, where $k>1$, color the circles on $P_1,\dots,P_{2k}$ the same way as the case $n=2k$, then take another color $c_{k+1}$ to color all the circles passing through $P_{k+1}$. Now we show that we can not use any less colors. For $n=2k$, consider the circles $$\Gamma_{1,k+1},\Gamma_{2,k+2},\dots,\Gamma_{k,2k}$$Each pair of them intersect at two distinct points, thus the above $k$ circles require $k$ different colors. For $n=3$, it is trvial. For $n=2k+1$, where $k>1$. Suppose the contrary, assume that we can color the circles with $k$ colors. Consider the circles $$\Gamma_{1,k+1},\dots,\Gamma_{k,2k},\Gamma_{k+1,2k+1}$$The first $k$ circles and the last $k$ circles have different colors, therefore $\Gamma_{1,k+1}$ and $\Gamma_{k+1,2k+1}$ must have the same color, WLOG $c_1$. However, if we now look at the circles $$\Gamma_{1,k+2},\dots,\Gamma_{k,2k+1}$$We can see that these $k$ circles have different colors, but every one of them intersect at two distinct points with either $\Gamma_{1,k+1}$ or $\Gamma_{k+1,2k+1}$. This means it requires at least $k+1$ colors, contradiction. Hence $n=2k+1$ requires at least $k+1$ colors, for $k\geq 2$.
06.12.2023 08:24
The answer is $\boxed{ \left \lceil \frac{n}{2} \right \rceil}$ when $n > 3$ (and $1$ when $n=3$). If we wrap the line that the $n$ points lie on into a circle, we can see that two semicircles $\{ A, B \}$ and $\{C, D \}$ intersecting corresponds to the two chords $AB$ and $CD$ intersecting inside the circle. WLOG assume the points are equally spaced about the circle. For even $n$ we just draw the $\frac{n}{2}$ diameters; these all have to be different colors, obviously. We can get a construction with $\frac{n}{2}$ colors as follows: color the $\frac{n}{2}$ diameters differently. Then, for any chord parallel to a diameter, color it the same as that diameter. For any chord not parallel to a diameter, rotating the chord $\frac{180^{\circ}}{n}$ counterclockwise will yield a segment parallel to a diameter, which determines the color of that chord. For odd $n$ we do something similar; consider the $n$ "pseudo-diameters"; chords that go from vertex $i$ to vertex $i + \left \lfloor \frac{n}{2} \right \rfloor$. When $n > 3$ there may be at most two pseudo-diameters with the same color; if there are three pseudo-diameters with the same color, two of them must intersect inside the circle. Therefore there must be at least $\left \lceil \frac{n}{2} \right \rceil $ colors used. In this case every chord is parallel to exactly one pseudo-diameter, so color chords the same as the corresponding pseudo-diameter. (Verifying that each construction works is left as an exercise to the reader.)
13.01.2024 18:24
The answer is $\lceil n/2 \rceil$. Let the points be $A_1, A_2, \dots, A_n$ in that order. Bound: Construct a graph with vertices $(i, j)$ where $1 \leq i \leq n-1$ and $2 \leq j \leq n$, where two vertices $(i, j)$ and $(k, \ell)$ are connected if and only if the circles $(A_iA_j)$ and $(A_kA_\ell)$ intersect. When $n$ is even, I claim there always exists an $n/2$-clique; this is satisfied by the points $(1, n/2+1), (2, n/2+2), \dots, (n/2, n)$. Hence at least $n/2$ colors are required. When $n$ is odd, obviously we must need at least $\frac{n-1}2$ colors. Assume this many colors suffice. Notice that $\left(1, \frac{n+1}2+1\right), \dots, \left(\frac{n-1}2, n\right)$ form a $\frac{n-1}2$-clique; however, $\left(1, \frac{n-1}2+1\right), \dots, \left(\frac{n-1}2, n-1\right)$ and $\left(2, \frac{n-1}2+2\right), \dots, \left(\frac{n+1}2, n\right)$ also both form $\frac{n-1}2$-cliques. Hence $\left(1, \frac{n-1}2+1\right)$ and $\left(\frac{n+1}2, n\right)$ must be colored the same color, say color $1$. However, since $\left(1, \frac{n-1}2\right)$ and $\left(i, \frac{n+1}2+i\right)$ are connected for all $i > 1$, so $\left(1, \frac{n+1}2\right)$ is also colored $1$. However, $\left(1, \frac{n+1}2\right)$ and $\left(\frac{n+1}2, n\right)$ are connected and both colored $1$, hence a contradiction. Construction: For $n$ even, for each circle $(A_iA_j)$, if $i < j - n/2$, color $(A_iA_j)$ by $j \bmod n/2$; otherwise, color $(A_iA_j)$ by $i \bmod n/2$. In this case, if two circles $A_iA_j$ and $A_{i+n/2}A_k$ are colored the same, then $j \leq i+n/2$, so the two circles will not intersect. If $A_iA_j$ and $A_kA_{i+n/2}$ are colored the same, then $k < i$, and $j < i+n/2$, so one circle will contain the other. Hence the coloring is valid. For $n$ odd, just use the coloring for $n-1$ and add one color for all circles that pass through $A_n$.