Let $P$ be a finite set of primes, $A$ an infinite set of positive integers, where every element of $A$ has a prime factor not in $P$. Prove that there exist an infinite subset $B$ of $A$, such that the sum of elements in any finite subset of $B$ has a prime factor not in $P$.
Source: China Team Selection Test 2016 Test 2 Day 1 Q3
Tags: number theory
20.03.2016 11:41
A sketch: We will try construct our set $B$ by induction. To do so, for a fixed subset sum of $B$ we will find an infinite set of elements such that each of them added to the sum will have a prime factor not in $P$. Then from this infinite set, we repeat it for another different subset sum of $B$ and if it works for all of them, we can safely add an element into $B$ and continue on. So if we can keep doing this, then we will end up with $B$ being infinite so at some point only finitely many elements can work. So say it fails for some sum $k$. Let $a_1,a_2,\ldots$ be the infinite set of elements that fail for that sum. So we must have $k + a_i$ have all prime factors in $P$. So there must exist an infinite subsequence $b_1,b_2,\ldots$ and a $p_1 \in P$ such that $v_{p_1}(k + b_i) < v_{p_1}(k + b_{i+1})$ because there are only finitely many prime factors. Relabel our $a_i$ with $a_{b_i}$ and now choose a very fast growing sequence $c_1,c_2,\ldots$ and then relabel $a_i$ with $a_{c_i}$. The thing is that now our $a_i$ is of the form $d_i - k$ where $v_p(d_i)$ grows very fast with $i$. So for some sum $a_{k_1} + a_{k_2} + \cdots + a_{k_n} = d_{k_1} + d_{k_2} + \cdots + d_{k_n} - nk$, if $c_i$ increases fast enough say if $p_1^{c_i} > \sum_{k=1}^{i-1} d_k$, then taking mod $p_1^{c_{n-1}}$ we will have the expression is $d_{k_1} + d_{k_2} + \cdots + d_{k_n} - nk \pmod {p_1^{c_{n-1}}}$ which is clearly non-zero if we make $d_{i+1} > d_i + k$. Hence $v_{p_1}$ of the expression is bounded by that of $d_{k_{n-1}}$. Now lets repeat our construction algorithm for the new sequence $a_1,a_2,\ldots$. Similarly it must fail at some sum $m$. Repeat the argument in the above paragraph. Now since $v_{p_1}$ for each sum of $a_i$'s can be bounded such that at most $\frac{1}{c}$ of the sum comes from $p_1$ for any fixed constant $c$ by simply making $c_i$ increase as fast as we want, for our infinite subsequence whose $v_p$ is strictly increasing, we can choose this prime say $p_2 \in P$ to be distinct from $p_1$. Now repeat the argument on $p_2$ to get an infinite sequence $s_1,s_2,\ldots$ such that for any sum at most some small fraction comes from $p_1$ and $p_2$. Hence if our construction algorithm fails on this new sequence, there must be a new prime $p_3 \in P$ where $v_{p_3}$ of some subsequence goes to infinity and so on. However, $P$ is finite so at some point our construction algorithm must work and we are done since each time we fail, we can find a new element of $P$.
20.03.2016 21:09
A somewhat different approach: suppose $P$ consist of $m$ primes, and let $n = 2^m+1$. We consider a family of subsets $B_1^{t}, B_2^{t}, \dots, B_n^{t}$ of $A$, indexed by a time variable $t$. At time $t = 0$, put one distinct element of $A$ into each $B_i$. At times $t \geq 1$, we will add one element of $A$ into one of the B_k, so that the following two conditions are satisfied: 1) each (nonempty) subset sum of each $B_i$ has a prime factor not in $P$, and 2) the subset sums of $B_i$ are distinct from those of $B_j$. Let us show this is always possible. If adding $x \in A$ fails condition 1), we know there exist subset sums $s_i$ of $B_i^{t-1}$ such that $x + s_i$ only has prime factors in $P$, $\forall 1\leq i \leq n$. By the assumption on $A$, the $s_i$ are non-zero. Therefore by condition 2), they are distinct. We claim there are only finitely many such $x$. Because each $s_i$ has finitely many choices, it suffices to prove the claim for a fixed set of $\{s_i\}_{1\leq i \leq n}$. Moreover, by Pigeonhole principle, there exist $i \neq j$ such that $x+s_i$ and $x+s_j$ have the same square-free part $d | \Pi_{p \in P} p$. Thus the number of such $x$ is bounded above by the number of solutions to $du^2 - dv^2 = s_j - s_i$, where $d, i, j$ each has finitely many choices. Since $s_i \neq s_j$, such an equation does indeed have finitely many solutions, proving our claim. We can thus add some $x \in A$ to one of the $B_i^{t-1}$ to still satisfy condition 1). By choosing $x$ sufficiently large, we can also ensure the second condition. The construction of the subsets $\{B_i^{t}\}_{1\leq i \leq n}$ thus goes on till infinity. To complete the proof, just notice that $\cup_{t} B_i^{t}$ satisfies condition 1) for each $i$, and for some $i$ this union set is infinite.
27.03.2017 16:27
Dear angiland, I was just wondering, what is the motivation for your beautiful proof, in particular the consideration of the family of subsets $B_1^{t}, B_2^{t}, \dots, B_n^{t}$ of $A$ and the satisfaction of the two conditions (1) each (nonempty) subset sum of each $B_i$ has a prime factor not in $P$, and 2) the subset sums of $B_i$ are distinct from those of $B_j$)? Thank you so much for all your help!
17.04.2018 20:54
A slightly different from @fattypiggy123: First, we exclude all elements of $A$ that is not greater than $\prod_{p\in P}{p^2}$ from $A$. As usual, we try to inductively construct $B$. For inductive step, we want to use the following procedure to choose the next element. Procedure wrote: For any positive integer $s> \prod_{p\in P}{p^2}$ and infinite list of elements in $A$, called $a_1,a_2,...$: there exists infinitely many $a_i$s that $a_i+s$ has a prime factor not in $P$. For clarity, suppose we already have elements $e_1,e_2,...,e_t$ and want to select $e_{t+1}$. We repeatedly use the proposition when $s$ be sum of finite subsets of $\{ e_1,e_2,...,e_t\}$ with infinite list obtained from the previous use. After we've verified for all possible such $s$, we'll get infinite list of possible $e_{t+1}$, choose one and leave the rest for the next inductive step. If this procedure never fails, we are done. So, suppose it fails when we use it with positive integer $s$ and infinite list $a_1,a_2,...$. We get that for every positive integer $i$, $a_i+s$ must be product of primes from $P$. Our goal is to show that there exists infinite subsequence $a_{i_1},a_{i_2},...$ of the list that can be $B$. Again, we'll inductively construct such subsequence. We'll add a further constraint that all terms in the subsequence are greater than $2s$. Base case: By Thue's theorem, there exists only finitely many non-negative integer solutions $x_p,y_p$ where $p\in P$ to the equation $$\prod_{p\in P}{p^{x_p}}+s=\prod_{p\in P}{p^{y_p}}.$$Hence, there exists infinitely many possible $a_i$s that $a_i$ is not product of primes from $P$. Choose one that is greater than $2s$ and leave the rest of the possible choices for next inductive step. Inductive step: Again, we'll use the same procedure to choose the next element. Let's show that the procedure won't fail. Suppose we've positive integer $r$ and infinite list of elements $b_1,b_2,...$. Recall that all number $b_i$s in our list satisfy $b_i+s$ is product of primes in $P$. And also, the number $r$ we'll use in the procedure also satisfy $r>2s$. If this procedure fails, we get that $b_i+r$ must be product of primes from $P$ for all positive integer $i$. This means we get infinite non-negative integer solutions $x_p,y_p$ where $p\in P$ to the equation $$\prod_{p\in P}{p^{x_p}} -s+r=\prod_{p\in P}{p^{y_p}}.$$This contradict Thue's theorem. And so, we have infinite choice for next element, choose one and leave the rest for the next inductive step, done.
14.07.2018 14:34
Really elegant problem. China seems to have many great Number Theory problems. Here is my solution, call a positive integer $n$ smooth if and only if all prime factors are in $P$ and rough otherwise. We first prove the following lemma. Lemma : For any constant $c$, there exists finitely many pairs $(x,y)$ of smooth integers such that $x-y=c$. Proof : Write $x = ar^3, y= bs^3$ where $a,b$ is factor of $\prod_{p\in P} p^2$. Clearly we have finitely many pairs $(a,b)$. But by Thue's theorem, equation $ar^3-bs^3=c$ has finitely many solutions $(r,s)$ so we are done. Back to the main problem Define sets $A_1, A_2,...$ as $A_k = \{x\in A\mid x+k\text{ is smooth}\}.$ We split into the two cases. Case 1 : Each of $A_1, A_2, ...$ is a finite set. We proceed with induction. Start with any element of $A$ and keep adding element into $B$. Suppose that currently, $B = \{b_1,b_2,...,b_k\}$. Let $t = b_1+b_2+...+b_k$. Pick element $$b \in A \setminus \bigcup_{i=1}^t A_i$$, which clearly have infinitely many choices. So $b, b+1, b+2,....,b+T$ are all rough. It's easy to see that $B\cup\{b\}$ works. The process continues indefinitely so we are done. Case 2: $A_k$ is infinite for some $k$. Let $T=A_k$, removing every elements less than or equal to $k$. Define $T_1, T_2,...$ as $$T_l = \{t\in T\mid t+l\text{ is smooth}\}.$$By our lemma, $T_l$ is finite as for each element $t$, $t+k$ and $t+l$ is smooth. Now we can induct as before. Start with any element in $T$ and keep adding element into $B$. Suppose that currently, $B=\{b_1, b_2,...,b_l\}$. Let $s = b_1+b_2+...+b_k$. Pick element $$b\in T\setminus \bigcup_{i=k+1}^s T_i$$, which clearly have infinitely many choices. So $b+k+1, b+k+2, ..., b+T$ are all rough. Since every element of $B\subseteq T$ is greater than $k$, it's easy to see that $B\cup \{b\}$ works. The process continues indefinitely so we are done.
11.08.2021 04:32
We inductively construct a set $B$ that satisfies the condition. We first put one element of $A$ in $B.$ Suppose we now have $\{b_{1},b_{2}, b_{3}, \dots b_{n} \}$ in $B.$ If we can't find another integer $a \in A \setminus B$ to put in $B,$ then that means that there exists an integer $k$ where there is a infinite set $S_k$ of integers $a$ in $A$ such that $k+a$ has all prime factors in $P.$ We claim that for any integer $j \ne k,$ there exist only finitely many integers $b$ such that $j+b$ and $k+b$ have all prime factors in $P.$ Indeed, each $j+b$ and $k+b$ corresponds with a solution to $d(p^2) - d(q^2) = |j - k|$ for some $d \mid \prod_{p \in P} p.$ But for each divisor $d$ there are only finitely many solutions to the equation so the number of possible $b$ is bounded. Now we can construct $B$ inductively using the elements of $S_k$ greater than $k.$ Start by choosing an integer in $S_k$ greater than $k.$ Now suppose we have a finite number of elements in $B$ and want to add another. The number of integers that cannot be added to our set is finite from our earlier claim so choosing a sufficiently large element in $S_k$ suffices. This process may continue indefinitely. Otherwise, we can continue our initial method of construction indefinitely. $\square$
15.09.2021 19:00
buzzychaoz wrote: Let $P$ be a finite set of primes, $A$ an infinite set of positive integers, where every element of $A$ has a prime factor not in $P$. Prove that there exist an infinite subset $B$ of $A$, such that the sum of elements in any finite subset of $B$ has a prime factor not in $P$. The first idea is to use CRT which doesnt work well since we can't choose stuff,and later we try inducting just to find it works!!
10.12.2021 19:24
Here's a solution given by my friend, Triangle_Center: Let $|P|=n$ and call a finite set $S$ good if the sum of elements in any finite subset of $S$ has a prime factor that is not in $P$. Consider $n+1$ good sets $A_1,A_2,\ldots,A_{n+1}.$ The crux of the problem is that we can always find some $a\in A,$ different from the elements of $A_1\cup\cdots \cup A_{n+1}$ and some index $1\leq i\leq n+1$ such that $A_i\cup \{a\}$ is good. Assume the contrary. It follows that for any $a\in A\setminus(A_1\cup\cdots \cup A_{n+1})$ and each $1\leq i\leq n+1,$ there exists $B_i\subseteq A_i$ with the property that $a+s(B_i)$ only has prime factors of $P.$ Furthermore, define the function \[f:\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{N}, \ f(n):=\max_{p\text{ prime}}\big(p^{\nu_p(n)}\big).\]For the sake of brevity, let $s_i:=a+s(B_i).$ Look at $f(s_1),f(s_2),\ldots,f(s_{n+1}).$ It follows by the pigeonhole principle that $f(s_x)$ and $f(s_y)$ are powers of the same prime, for some indices $x$ and $y.$ Therefore, since $f(n)$ divides $n$ for all $n,$ we have \[\min\big(f(s_x),f(s_y)\big)\mid |s_x-s_y|=|s(B_x)-s(B_y)|.\]Note that for any $c>0,$ there exists $N_c$ such that $f(n)>c$ for all $n>N_c.$ Let $C$ be the maximum of $|s(B)-s(C)|$ taken over all pairs of subsets $B\subseteq A_i$ and $C\subseteq A_j.$ Finally, observe that if we take $a>N_C$ then \[\min\big(f(s_x),f(s_y)\big)>C>|s(B_x)-s(B_y)|\]so the divisibility relationship cannot hold. Since $A\setminus(A_1\cup\cdots \cup A_{n+1})$ is infinite, we can for sure find an element $a$ greater than $N_C$ and by the above observations, $A_i\cup\{a\}$ is also good, for some index $i.$ Now, by starting with $A_1=A_2=\cdots=A_{n+1}=\emptyset,$ using the above claim, we can keep adding elements from $A$ to some $A_i$ infinitely many times, resulting in us making an infinite good set. This finishes the proof.