
Source: INMO 2016 Problem 3

Tags: number theory, number theory proposed, function

Let $\mathbb{N}$ denote the set of natural numbers. Define a function $T:\mathbb{N}\rightarrow\mathbb{N}$ by $T(2k)=k$ and $T(2k+1)=2k+2$. We write $T^2(n)=T(T(n))$ and in general $T^k(n)=T^{k-1}(T(n))$ for any $k>1$. (i) Show that for each $n\in\mathbb{N}$, there exists $k$ such that $T^k(n)=1$. (ii) For $k\in\mathbb{N}$, let $c_k$ denote the number of elements in the set $\{n: T^k(n)=1\}$. Prove that $c_{k+2}=c_{k+1}+c_k$, for $k\ge 1$.