
Source: Chinese Western Mathematical Olympiad 2006, Problem 8

Tags: induction, combinatorics unsolved, combinatorics

Given a positive integer $ n\geq 2$, let $ B_{1}$, $ B_{2}$, ..., $ B_{n}$ denote $ n$ subsets of a set $ X$ such that each $ B_{i}$ contains exactly two elements. Find the minimum value of $ \left|X\right|$ such that for any such choice of subsets $ B_{1}$, $ B_{2}$, ..., $ B_{n}$, there exists a subset $ Y$ of $ X$ such that: (1) $ \left|Y\right| = n$; (2) $ \left|Y \cap B_{i}\right|\leq 1$ for every $ i\in\left\{1,2,...,n\right\}$.