
Source: Turkey National Olympiad 2015 P5

Tags: geometry, geometry proposed, cyclic quadrilateral

In a cyclic quadrilateral $ABCD$ whose largest interior angle is $D$, lines $BC$ and $AD$ intersect at point $E$, while lines $AB$ and $CD$ intersect at point $F$. A point $P$ is taken in the interior of quadrilateral $ABCD$ for which $\angle EPD=\angle FPD=\angle BAD$. $O$ is the circumcenter of quadrilateral $ABCD$. Line $FO$ intersects the lines $AD$, $EP$, $BC$ at $X$, $Q$, $Y$, respectively. If $\angle DQX = \angle CQY$, show that $\angle AEB=90^\circ$.