Prove that among all possible triangles whose vertices are $3,5$ and $7$ apart from a given point $P$, the ones with the largest perimeter have $P$ as incentre.
Source: From Kalva page; looking for a nice solution
Tags: geometry, perimeter, conics, ellipse, geometry unsolved
31.10.2006 11:15
Supose ABC is that triangle. Let $\Sigma$ the elipse of the points $Q$ such that $AQ+QB=AC+BC$, and $\Gamma$ the circle of centre $P$ and radius $7$. $C$ is the unique intersection point of $\Sigma$ and $\Gamma$ ( because the choice of $ABC$). In particular , there is a comun tangent $\iota$ to $\Sigma$ and $\Gamma$ passing by $C$. Let $X$ and $Y$ points in $\iota$ such that $C$ is betwen them. For property of the elipse we have $<XCA=<YCB$. Since $\iota$ is tangent to $\Gamma$ then $<ACP=<BCP$.
01.11.2006 17:56
And what about this similar problem: :
01.11.2006 22:08
here is a very similar problem.
02.11.2006 02:04
Yes.. This makes you wonder -- maybe there is a generalization for this...
16.08.2012 00:16
Yes, it can be generalized. It's not hard to see that the same procedure works for any fixed distances $ PA, PB, PC $.