
Source: Vietnam TST 2015 problem 2

Tags: geometry, geometry proposed

sorry if this has been posted before . given a fixed circle $(O)$ and two fixed point $B,C$ on it.point A varies on circle $(O)$. let $I$ be the midpoint of $BC$ and $H$ be the orthocenter of $\triangle ABC$. ray $IH$ meet $(O)$ at $K$ ,$AH$ meet $BC$ at $D$ ,$KD$ meet $(O)$ at $M$ .a line pass $M$ and perpendicular to $BC$ meet $AI$ at $N$. a) prove that $N$ varies on a fixed circle. b) a circle pass $N$ and tangent to $AK$ at $A$ cut $AB,AC$ at $P,Q$. let $J$ be the midpoint of $PQ$ .prove that $AJ$ pass through a fixed point.