Suppose $ 2015= a_1 <a_2 < a_3<\cdots <a_k $ be a finite sequence of positive integers, and for all $ m, n \in \mathbb{N} $ and $1\le m,n \le k $, $$ a_m+a_n\ge a_{m+n}+|m-n| $$ Determine the largest possible value $ k $ can obtain.
Source: Junior Olympiad of Malaysia Shortlist 2015 A4
Tags: algebra, number theory
Suppose $ 2015= a_1 <a_2 < a_3<\cdots <a_k $ be a finite sequence of positive integers, and for all $ m, n \in \mathbb{N} $ and $1\le m,n \le k $, $$ a_m+a_n\ge a_{m+n}+|m-n| $$ Determine the largest possible value $ k $ can obtain.