
Source: iranian TST 2015 third exam day 1 P2

Tags: number theory, Iran, Iranian TST, least common multiple

Assume that $a_1, a_2, a_3$ are three given positive integers consider the following sequence: $a_{n+1}=\text{lcm}[a_n, a_{n-1}]-\text{lcm}[a_{n-1}, a_{n-2}]$ for $n\ge 3$ Prove that there exist a positive integer $k$ such that $k\le a_3+4$ and $a_k\le 0$. ($[a, b]$ means the least positive integer such that$ a\mid[a,b], b\mid[a, b]$ also because $\text{lcm}[a, b]$ takes only nonzero integers this sequence is defined until we find a zero number in the sequence)