
Source: Iran TST 2015 ,exam 1, day 2 problem 3

Tags: geometry, circumcircle

$ABCD$ is a circumscribed and inscribed quadrilateral. $O$ is the circumcenter of the quadrilateral. $E,F$ and $S$ are the intersections of $AB,CD$ , $AD,BC$ and $AC,BD$ respectively. $E'$ and $F'$ are points on $AD$ and $AB$ such that $A\hat{E}E'=E'\hat{E}D$ and $A\hat{F}F'=F'\hat{F}B$. $X$ and $Y$ are points on $OE'$ and $OF'$ such that $\frac{XA}{XD}=\frac{EA}{ED}$ and $\frac{YA}{YB}=\frac{FA}{FB}$. $M$ is the midpoint of arc $BD$ of $(O)$ which contains $A$. Prove that the circumcircles of triangles $OXY$ and $OAM$ are coaxal with the circle with diameter $OS$.